Carpal Tunnel Questions2019-07-14T18:09:37+00:00


What Is Wrist Pain a Symptom of?

There are several health conditions that can cause wrist pain. The most common is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but there are others that range from Gout, to Arthritis, to DeQuervain’s Disease and to Tendonitis. Wrist pain can also be caused by trauma or injury from falling and catching yourself with your hands.

I am Pregnant. The surgeon said he can’t help me. What treatment can I do?

Don’t despair, despite your seemly bleak situation, there are options for you to treat your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome without resorting to Surgery, Steroid Injections or Oral Pain Medication. Doctors have developed natural treatment options for Carpal Tunnel that do not present any risks to Pregnant women and no risks for their unborn child either.