Is Carpal Tunnel Surgery Permanent?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is cyclical, meaning it can come back even after Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

Is Carpal Tunnel Surgery Permanent?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is cyclical, meaning it can come back even after Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

Carpal Tunnel Surgery is Not A Permanent Fix
I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery 2 years ago. It worked great. My Carpal Tunnel Symptoms were gone immediately. I was so happy. I thought it was a permanent fix to my Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. The rehab period was longer and more painful than they told me it would be, but I was so happy to have the torture of Carpal Tunnel behind me.
No one told me my Carpal Tunnel Pain would come back!
When it came back, I went back to my surgeon and asked what do we do now?
Why did my symptoms come back?
Nobody ever told me that I could expect the carpal tunnel symptoms to come back.
The surgeon told me that it was very common for carpal tunnel symptoms to come back.
He said he thought I knew that, because it is common knowledge that carpal tunnel syndrome does not have a permanent fix.
He said” If you can get a couple of years of relief from surgery, you should be satisfied and schedule another surgery.”
I did not like that answer. The rehabilitation period was long and painful and I did not want to go through that again.
I read up on surgery a lot more this time. I learned that for surgeries have a 60% success rate. Second surgery is only have a 35 to 40% success rate. That’s a red flag. Third surgeries are strongly discouraged in medical textbooks because of the formation of scar tissue.
I sure wish somebody would’ve told me this before I went down the path of having the first carpal tunnel surgery. I don’t think I would’ve ever done the first surgery had I realized this was a typical path for a patient to go through.
I was determined to find a better way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. I work on the computer about 60% of the time during the workday. I also do a lot with my hands at home with hobbies and just keeping up the house with do it yourself projects, cleaning, and taking care of our lawn and landscaping. I get enjoyment out of the extra work at home and I really don’t want to spend money to have it done for me. And I’ve got to have my hands for work.
I found a home treatment developed by doctors on the Internet. It was called the Carpal Solution Treatment. It’s a novel idea that provides gentle stretching during sleep and claims to restore the flexibility to the soft tissue and blood circulation to the hand and forearm – in that way it relieves the pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. I decided to give it a try.
I liked the fact that the Carpal Solution was developed by doctors. I liked the videos that I watched in the testimonials from real people that I read on Facebook and on their website. I could tell these people were legit – it’s hard to fake a 5 minute video with details about your suffering and your journey to curing your carpal tunnel syndrome. I liked the articles written by Doctors. The whole experience was awesome.
So, I ordered the Carpal Solution. It came within a week to my home, I started using the treatment and within the first week I started feeling better. I was sleeping through the night finally after months of minimal sleep.
After two weeks I was probably 80% better and I couldn’t believe it – I was so happy. I wish I would’ve found this wonderful carpal tunnel stretching program before I underwent the first surgery for carpal tunnel release.
However, I’m writing this little testimonial, so that others can benefit from my experience and avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery.
Anyone suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome should try the carpal solution before they try anything else. It is clinically documented. It was developed by doctors and it works for 97% of people and they offer a moneyback guarantee. On top of that, it’s reimbursed by health-insurance. So, there is no reason not to give this treatment a try.
If you’re suffering with carpal tunnel don’t be buffaloed into carpal tunnel surgery like I was . Try the Carpal Solution first and get back to your normal life without the downtime without the painful rehabilitation without the risk of a surgical procedure, and without generating scar tissue that you may have for life.
The Carpal Solution is so easy and so comfortable to wear and the amazing thing is Really works. I’m told that it doesn’t work for 3% of people with carpal tunnel syndrome so there might be a possibility that you will be in that 3%.
However, 97% success rate are good odds, no matter what game you’re playing, especially when there’s no downside and no risk associated with the Carpel Solution night time stretching treatment. If you’re having doubts watch the videos, and read the doctors articles.
There were over 250 articles written by doctors on their website:
You can search the website using the search bar under the magnifying glass in the nav bar section at the top and bottom of each page and find the answers to any questions you might have about carpal tunnel written by doctors who have no bias for surgery.
Most hand experts are surgeons and have a bias towards making a lot of money off of a quick surgery. It’s quick and easy for them and then you as the patient are left trying to figure out how to get your life back as you go through a painful rehab that takes more like six months to a year, rather than the 3 to 6 weeks they tell you about before the surgery.
I hope this helps all the people out there that are wondering and confused.
I don’t often write testimonials about products. However I felt strongly about what’s going wrong in the way they shepherd you down the path towards surgery In the medical system.
If you ask me, the path towards surgery is a scam and should be avoided and treated as a last resort. I’m so happy I found the Carpal Solution and I hope and I’m confident that you’ll be happy too. Good luck with your carpal tunnel journey. It will be better if you use the Carpal Solution before Surgery. I wish I would have done that.
Buckhead, Georgia