Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Article Authored by Doctor William Shucart, MD
Neurosurgeon and Nerve Expert

Early detection and treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is important to checking the progression of this debilitating syndrome, and yet some of the early symptoms are subtle and can be easily mistaken for other issues.

The first symptom people usually notice is that their hand and fingers become numb and tingling while they are sleeping causing them to wake up frequently during the night. Most people do not even realize that this is a symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and attribute the numb feeling to sleeping on their hands in an awkward position, cutting off blood circulation. Routine Sleep interruption from any cause has serious health implications and should be addressed with a strong sense of urgency.

The Carpal Tunnel Condition can manifest itself in multiple ways in different places in your body, confusing many people about what is going on. Below you will find a collection of symptoms listed in detail that will help you to know for sure if you or your loved one has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. You will also find a video from a musician who suffered with CTS and shares her story. You will also want to read the completion of this article on Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. When you have the facts you will know what to do.

Print A List Of Common Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Most Frustrating Results Patients Report Due to CTS Symptoms

Unproductive Daytime Sleepiness

Interruption of Earnings

High Blood Pressure and Poor Health

Inability to Button Buttons, Tie Shoes, etc

Effectiveness at Work

Irritability Impacting Valued Relationships

Print A List Of Most Frustrating Effects Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Can Be Difficult and Confusing

This is because of the location and type of Symptoms don’t always add up clearly unless you deal with this difficult condition on a daily basis.Even General Practitioners are often confused when trying to formulate a diagnosis for the symptoms known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As Medical Experts on Carpal Tunnel, we deal with thousands of cases each week and can help you make sense of your symptoms.

If you think you might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, here are a few tips that can help you with your self-diagnosis as you make important decisions about your health.

carpal tunnel check listIf you have one ( 1 ) of the symptoms listed on our “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms” page above, then you have a 70 – 80% chance of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

two signs of carpal tunnelIf you have two ( 2 ) of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms listed on the above page then you have a 80 -90% chance of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

three signs of carpal tunnelIf you have three ( 3 ) or more of the Carpal Tunnel Symptoms listed on our “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms” page above then you have a greater than 95% surety that you have this chronic hand / wrist condition.

There are hundreds of possible permutations and different combinations of Carpal Tunnel symptoms, which can make it difficult for the average General Practice Doctor to make a solid diagnosis with confidence. You can rely on the following simple Carpal Tunnel self-diagnosis approach in your efforts to clearly identify what your collection of symptoms might be.

As you go through this self-diagnosis process, do not rule out or ignore any symptoms that follow the nerve path of the Median Nerve which runs from the tips of the fingers through the wrist, forearm, elbow, bicep, shoulder and neck to the cortex of the brain and can affect any muscle, joint or other parts of the anatomy along this nerve path.

It is always good to get a back-up professional diagnosis when you can fit it in, but there is no reason to wait to start getting these potentially devastating symptoms under control.

Since there is a reliable natural home stretching treatment developed by Doctors and registered with the FDA, if you have a high probability of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there is no risk in treating yourself now with the Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment.

A nerve conductivity study by a Neurologist (nerve expert) is a definitive method for confirming Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and eliminating any doubt on the diagnosis. This nerve study can be painful and expensive if you do not have health insurance. Some people say the Nerve Study is extremely painful and others say it is no big deal. That is the nature of nerve conditions. Patients tend to respond differently to the same testing and treatment.

There is hope to cure your carpal tunnel symptoms

So, it is never a bad idea to confirm a diagnosis professionally, but there is no need to wait for an appointment and wait to treat a debilitating syndrome while suffering and putting your life on hold. if you are 70 – 80% sure you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you can begin treating this frustrating condition today with a safe and effective stretching treatment that works for 97% of people and was developed by Doctors working with patients. This is a Carpal Tunnel Treatment that has no downtime and no risks of complications. It also is registered and monitored by the FDA and is clinically documented. This is why the Carpal Solution is recommended by Neurologists as best first line of treatment for CTS.

There is hope

If you are experiencing a combination of any of these symptoms, there is a high likelihood that you are in the early stages of Carpal Tunnel Strain or full on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment with the Carpal Solution will reverse the worst symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in just a week or two and puts the Condition in complete remission over the six week protocol. Interestingly, however, even people who have suffered for years with this frustrating infirmity, known as CTS, find that the can get complete relief by following the simple Carpal Solution Six Week Protocol.

The Carpal Solution is an effective, all natural and non-invasive treatment that can be done in the convenience of home while you sleep. It relieves Carpal Tunnel Symptoms for 97% of CTS sufferers. The Carpal Solution was developed by a Doctor working with his wife who suffered with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and then with his patients. The Carpal Solution is Patented Medical Technology and is FDA registered. It has been used by over 100,000 people throughout the world and continues to have a 97% success rate.

Because the Carpal Solution applies natural stretching during sleep, it is entirely safe and results in no side effects or complications. The Carpal Solution is not a rigid hand splint nor a restrictive wrist brace that cause muscle atrophy and aggravate the Carpal Tunnel condition in the long run. While applying the Carpal Solution proactively, it is good to also consult your physician to help you confirm the appropriate diagnosis and identify the potential causes of Carpal Tunnel in your case. You can also get a prescription for a Hand Wrist Orthosis and our patients report that often get reimbursed by their insurance carriers for their purchase of the Carpal Solution. There is no need to wait suffering from the symptoms of this Carpal Tunnel hand-wrist condition. You can start taking control of your CTS symptoms today and get your life back in just a few weeks.

a carpal tunnel stretching treatment developed by doctors
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