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Sore Wrists and Pain in Wrists

Alternative Medical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Alternative Medical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sore Wrists and Pain in Wrists

Alternative Medical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Alternative Medical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Authored by Medical Expert: Doctor Michelle Robin, DC, Wellness Expert, Founder of Your Wellness Connection, Naturopath

With repetitive strain injury to the wrists, hands, and fingers growing by leaps and bounds every year – according to some epidemiological evidence, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is increasing at a rate of approximately 10 percent per year in technologically advanced countries of the world – it is no surprise that health professionals, therapists, and patients alike are largely frustrated by the low rate of patient satisfaction with conventional treatment methods.

If you have been experiencing chronic sore wrists and pain in the wrists due to repetitive activity, it is a very good idea to seek professional medical help to secure a confirming diagnosis at your earliest convenience.

However, there is no need to wait to begin getting relief from this debilitating syndrome using clinically documented Carpal Solution Therapy. Carpal Solution Therapy is safe and natural and has no complications or risks associated with conventional CTS treatment.

You can also learn more about Carpal Tunnel Symptoms at the most comprehensive site on the web which provides a sound way of thinking about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Most of the current conventional offerings from the health care delivery system have a relatively poor clinical record for treating the symptoms of CTS. The Carpal Solution, on the other hand, has had an astonishingly successful rate of customer satisfaction, with over 97 percent reporting that they are satisfied with the therapy.

Aggravating sore or inflamed wrists and hands can lead to a battery of worse ailments. Moreover, simply resting the extremities from repetitive activity may not be sufficient to alleviate the nagging symptoms. Many MDs and hand therapists alike recommend traditional approaches which tend to mask the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

These solutions include carpal tunnel release surgery, which has a success rate of 50 to 60 percent, depending on whose estimates you take, cortisone injections, which provide temporary relief from some symptoms but which are not a long-term answer due to the potential side effects, massive daily doses of ibuprofen, which often mask the pain and do nothing to repair tissue damage, and stiff wrist braces and cock-up splints, which lead to muscular atrophy and compounded symptoms by compressing tissue and nerves already under pressure.

Fortunately, thousands of informed consumers have found amazingly fast, comprehensive, and dependable relief from CTS through Carpal Solution Therapy. Please explore real Carpal Tunnel Sufferer’s experiences and Carpal Solution Therapy Testimonials, or clinic study data presented by Dr. Morgan working with his patients, or order the Carpal Solution today through our website, Start getting control of your frustrating symptoms today.

Watch videos of people who Cured their Carpal Tunnel Naturally and Avoided the Risks of Carpal Tunnel Surgery!

Don’t put off your proactive therapy–start getting back to your active life today and stay connected in the information age without downtime or worries about soreness in your hands and wrists joints.

The Carpal Solution is the ultimate Wrist Pain Support for managing Carpal Tunnel soreness and pain in the wrists.

The Carpal Solution has been used by over 67,000 people in over 30 countries to eliminate sore wrists and pain in the wrists. First Hand Medical continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!”

The Carpal Solution is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps

The answer is clear. You need to try a treatment for sore wrists with no risk, no recovery time and a higher success rate before you consider surgery.

Want to know more? Read articles written by Doctors on hand pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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Risk Free 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

The only treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.