Self Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Often a family Doctor, Personal Healthcare Provider, or Emergency Room Doctor will have you perform simple non-invasive tests that will provide a strong indication of whether or not you are experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). If you would prefer to learn the two common tests performed by Doctors then read below:
Test 1: Phalen’s Maneuver
In Phalen’s Maneuver, the wrists are touched together in force flexion with the elbows extended and the hands pointing down toward the ground parallel to each other as in the photograph above.
A patient is asked to hold this position for sixty seconds. If a state of Paresthesias is produced during this time in the area of the hand that is controlled by the Median Nerve, then it is concluded that the patient likely has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Paresthesia is a medical term which basically means a tingling sensation or the familiar “pins and needles” sensation a person feels when a limb is “falling asleep”. Another common sensation where Paresthesias is encountered is when someone strikes their elbow on an edge of a counter or desk and the say they hit their “funny bone”.
Some people describe it as a tickling or prickling sensation or even sometimes as a burning sensation.
Phalen’s Maneuver could easily be performed as a Self-Test for Carpal Tunnel at home to get an indication confirming that you likely have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or you likely do not have this chronic condition of the hand and wrist.
The Median Nerve
The area of the body affected and controlled by the Median Nerve runs from the cortex of the brain through the neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, then through the Carpal Tunnel at the base of the hand and out to the thumb, index finger, middle finger and part of the ring finger.
Tinel’s Sign
The test known in the medical community as Tinel’s Sign involves holding the hand and wrist flat on a table or padded surface or supported by the physician’s hand, then lightly tapping on the Median Nerve just behind the Carpal Tunnel. The Carpal Tunnel is located at the base of the hand between the two muscular areas of the hand. So, the light percussion or tapping is done at the underside of the wrist just behind the Carpal Tunnel itself. If the light tapping produces paresthesia, the tingling sensation, along the nerve path in either direction in the nerve distribution path, then this is a positive sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and likely means the patient is experiencing CTS.
Tinel’s Sign is also a test that can be performed as a Self-Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
There is no need for specialized medical equipment and the diagnosis is confirmed by what the patient is feeling when the tapping goes on.
It is important that the tapping is not too rigorous, because this type of tapping can produce the tingling sensation even when Carpal Tunnel is not present if overdone.
Where to perform Tinel’s Sign Test
The Carpal Tunnel is located at the base of the hand, just above the wrist between the two largest muscles of the hand.
Often people mistakenly think that the Tunnel is located in the wrist, because when people feel pain and discomfort from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is often concentrated in the joint closest to the Tunnel.
However, the narrow passage, known as the Carpal Tunnel, is not in the wrist, it is at the base of the hand next to the wrist.
To perform the Tinel’s Sign self test for Carpal Tunnel, lightly tap just behind the Carpal Tunnel.
Do you have Two or More of the Common Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel?
Even though you can accurately self-diagnose CTS, it is important to see your doctor and get a formal diagnosis as soon as you can.
While you are waiting to see your doctor for his formal medical diagnosis, you can begin treatment with non-invasive therapy like the Carpal Solution Therapy.
This unique and affordable device is designed to be worn at night during sleep when the hand is relaxed. It is so convenient and easy to use.
If you have two or more of the symptoms describe on our Carpal Tunnel Symptoms page, you can safely conclude that you likely have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and begin to take corrective action with the Carpal Solution Therapy.
While you are at your doctor you should also pick up a prescription for health insurance reimbursement.
The prescription should read: Hand Finger Orthosis for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Read More on Health Insurance Reimbursement for The Carpal Solution
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