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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Therapy
Carpal Tunnel Therapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Therapy
Carpal Tunnel Therapy

What are the root causes and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? While it’s possible to acquire carpal tunnel syndrome from a host of activities, including heavy manual labor, repetitive athletic activities, the diligent practice of musical instruments, and even driving a car or truck or playing golf. The most rapid growing segment of CTS sufferers is the vast majority of heavy computer users. Poor ergonomics, an inactive lifestyle, metabolic conditions and repetitive tasks at work can all contribute to CTS-related conditions.

Common symptoms include fatigue, a pins-and-needles feeling in the extremities, finger numbness, and poor circulation in the forearm and wrist. In more severe cases, CTS sufferers may endure sleeplessness due to the pain, a decrease in grip strength, and constant burning and aching joints, including the shoulder and neck. More often than not, CTS is a cumulative disorder, which means that resolving the trauma can often take weeks or even months of rest when relying on conventional health care methods.

Below you can click on the arrow of the picture and watch a video of Dr. Pollard, explaining Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms and its Treatment. Learn why the Carpal Solution Therapy is what Neurologists call the best first line of defense for CTS.

The well-informed health care consumer will a great place to learn about the risks, symptoms, and causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. Thanks to the work of Dr. Clyde Morgan, we are now able to offer a truly comprehensive remediation for carpal tunnel syndrome. Known as the Carpal Solution Therapy, this hand brace acts to reduce inflammation at the source of physical stress.

Here at, you can explore an outstanding compilation of clinical data and medical information about the symptoms, causes and related conditions of CTS, how Carpal Solution Therapy Works, even exchange views and ask questions to Dr. Morgan and other experienced Carpal Solution users through, an electronic health forum. If you believe you have CTS, confirm your diagnosis with your doctor soon, and start applying the Carpal Solution. You can begin controlling your symptoms today with the Carpal Solution. It fits with an active lifestyle.

The Carpal Solution has been used by over 50,000 people in over 30 different countries and continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!”

You can view more detailed video user reviews of The Carpal Solution in 7 different languages on our YouTube video channel called: MyCarpalTunnelSolution

Learn More about Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

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