Medical Expert with 20 years Experience Healing Patients Utilizing the Central Nervous System & Chiropractic Medicine
Dr. Michael Lee Pollard is a chiropractic medical specialist in East Brunswick, New Jersey
He has been employing natural healing techniques for his patients successfully in New Jersey for more than 20 years.
Doctor Pollard received his medical degree from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, California in 1999 and specializes in Chiropractic Medicine and natural healing of the Central Nervous System.
Dr. Pollard is a reliable provider qualified as a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), licensed by the State of New Jersey and Registered with the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Having worked 20 years as a specialist in chiropractic medicine, he is an expert in the healing arts which deals with the nervous system and its relationship to the spinal column and its interrelationship with other body systems.
Doctor Pollard uses his hands intensely working with patients to effect natural healing. From his dedicated daily work with his hands, he personally developed a serious case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. “It was particularly challenging for me as a chiropractor,” he said. “Carpal Tunnel Symptoms such as numbness in the fingertips, loss of grip strength and soreness in my hands and pain in my wrists made if difficult to do my clinical chiropractic work. I had loyal patients who were depending on me in my newly built chiropractic practice. I could not let them down.”
Doctor Pollard continued, “I could not really afford down time from my medical work either. My wife and I had just had a new baby boy and I needed to work to support my young family at this vulnerable time. I was also a little embarrassed, that I was suffering with a nerve condition when that is my specialty to help people with nerve disorders and unexplainable pain. I felt helpless and asked for some help from my medical colleagues at our chiropractic center. They did some adjustments and massage which would help for a few days, but then the symptoms would all return. It was really frustrating struggling with this torturous condition. The mental stress creates as much torment, as well as physical pain. This experience gave me insight into what patients experience with their ailments.”
“I kept going through this seesaw battle with Carpal Tunnel Pain and hand weakness for months, until my moment of truth. One night I was up with my crying baby son in the night and I almost dropped him, because of my weak grip and lack of feeling in my fingers and hands. That was it. I had to take a more proactive sound medical approach to solving this chronic syndrome. Not only was it threatening my career, robbing me of sleep, but also I felt like I might be a safety threat to my new born son.”
“I put my son in the secure arms of my wife and went immediately to jump on the computer and do so intense research on how to solve this Carpal Tunnel problem once and for all.”
“I fairly quickly found the Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment Kit offered by the Doctors at First Hand Medical. I was impressed with the background of the Doctors behind First Hand Medical. The information they provided was consistent with my training in Chiropractic Medicine. Applying gentle consistent targeted stretching to the injured soft tissue in and around the Carpal Tunnel space. Over the course of 6 weeks, it provided over 220 hours of gentle consistent stretching. That makes so much sense.”
“The medical experts explained how Carpal Tunnel Syndrome blocks the body’s natural healing creating a cyclical syndrome where the body can’t heal itself due to trapped inflammation and injured soft tissue. The injured tissue loses its flexibility and contracts pinching the nerve. Both the trapped inflammation and the contracting soft tissue – not only put pressure on the nerve, but also cut of full blood circulation and limit lymphatic fluid exchange. In this way the natural healing processes of the body are blocked.”
“They explained that The Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment Kit restores full blood circulation and unblocks lymphatic fluid exchange. Then the body disperses the trapped inflammation and restores flexibility to the soft tissue. The body heals itself naturally once the healing processes are unblocked. That was the first explanation that made sense to me regarding Carpal Tunnel as a cyclical reoccurring syndrome. I had a really good feeling about the Carpal Solution Treatment Program.”
“That night I ordered the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit online at 4 AM. I love how the internet empowers us to learn what we need to know and solve medical issues quickly. All of us get over our heads sometimes, but if we are determined we emerge stronger with more knowledge.”
“Within the first week of treatment with the Carpal Solution, my symptoms started to improve. I was able to put my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in complete remission in 6 weeks. We learn in Chiropractic Medical School that it requires a minimum of 6 weeks to heal soft tissue injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Sometimes for some people it can take longer if they have multiple complications or physiological conditions like arthritis.”
“I feel like I have even more expertise on Carpal Tunnel, now that I have dealt with it as a patient. I have been on both sides of treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as a Medical Expert and also experienced natural healing of Carpal Tunnel with a home treatment. I have a lot more empathy for patients suffering with Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, because I have suffered with it for almost a year.”
“I recommend the Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit without reservation.”
“If you are suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms, The Carpal Solution should be your first line of treatment. That is what I tell my patients who come into our Chiropractic Clinic describing symptoms characteristic of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.”
“There is no reason to suffer and put your life on hold, worrying about downtime and risks of Carpal Tunnel Surgery.”
“The Carpal Solution works for 97% of patients and puts Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in remission for years after completing the Six Week Protocol.
“Most patients see relief of their worst Carpal Tunnel Symptoms within 3 to 4 weeks and complete remission of the symptoms within 6 weeks. Once the cycle of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain is broken, your body’s natural healing process keeps it in remission for up to 12 years for some patients, but for most it will come back within 3 to 8 years.”
“When CTS comes back you simply repeat the Carpal Solution Treatment Program and it goes away for again for several years. This is the best way to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome naturally and avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery.”
“The Carpal Solution is a Permanent Solution to Carpal Tunnel and allows patients to avoid Carpal Tunnel Surgery forever. When it comes back, you simply repeat the natural stretching treatment with the Carpal Solution Straps. You can keep CTS in remission forever.”
“I am eager to help my patients in New Jersey and it is cool to think that I can help patients worldwide who suffer with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by recommending the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit. The Carpal Solution is so convenient.”
“First Hand Medical Ships it worldwide to patients suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. With the internet and email patients are able to access the best treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome wherever they might live in the world.”
“I have to say the Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment Kit is one of the best home treatment programs of which I have seen as a Doctor in my 20 years of practicing medicine. I am happy to add my voice as a medical expert endorsing the Carpal Solution as my cure for my own condition of Carpal Tunnel. I have helped thousands of patients heal naturally from Carpal Tunnel Symptoms and avoid the risks, expense and downtime associated with Carpal Tunnel Surgery. That is a great feeling as a medical professional.”
Dr. Michael Lee Pollard, DC
Medical Expert – New Jersey, USA
“Doctor Pollard’s 20 Years of Experience working with patients in New Jersey combined with 4 years of Medical Education in Chiropractic healing techniques, give Doctor Pollard unique perspective and expertise on natural healing.”
“However, having suffered with a severe case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome himself – Dr. Pollard has the most powerful insights. He has walked in the patient’s shoes and provides invaluable expert Carpal Tunnel Treatment advice.”
“If you suffer with Carpal Tunnel you can trust Dr. Pollard’s guidance.”
Dr. Jerome Grossman, MD
Harvard Kennedy’s School Director of
Healthcare Delivery, Medical Expert and
Co-Founder of First Hand Medical
The Medical school Doctor Pollard Attended to develop his expertise from an Authority in Chiropractic Medicine and Wellness.
- Dr. Michael Lee Pollard graduated from Life Chiropractic College – West – Hayward, California – 1999
- The vision of Life Chiropractic College West is to create a brighter future for humanity. https://lifewest.edu/about/mission-statement/
- Expertise in Natural Healing and Achieving Wellness for Patients since 1976
- Founder: Dr. George E. Anderson, DC
- Life Chiropractic College – West https://lifewest.edu/
Doctor Michael Lee Pollard is Registered with: American Board of Medical Specialties
Doctor Michael Lee Pollard’s National Provider Information Number (NPI number): 1487722138
- https://www.withspecialist.com/doctor/michael-pollard-a487722138
- https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/michael-pollard-e6cc6f44-0d62-4dff-aa61-e3c141e9dcb1-overview
- https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/michael-pollard-8b65477f-9fa7-4600-a0c2-337bfe976030-appointments
- https://www.vitals.com/chiropractors/1t3y94/michael-pollard
- https://www.care52.com/doctors/1386690659/dr-michael-pollard-chiropractor
- https://npino.com/chiropractor/1386690659-dr.-michael-lee-pollard/
- https://www.healthgrades.com/providers/michael-pollard-2fgvc
- https://www.healthgrades.com/providers/michael-pollard-xf2xd
- https://npibase.com/organization/new-jersey/freehold/pollard-chiropractic-center-1669951760