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How Harvard Medical Leaders Revolutionized Carpal Tunnel Treatment with The Carpal Solution

A team of Harvard healthcare leaders developed the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit, a groundbreaking, natural therapy with a 97% success rate. This breakthrough offers lasting relief from Carpal Tunnel Symptoms without the risks, downtime and complications of a surgical procedure with a 50% patient satisfaction rate.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

How Harvard Medical Leaders Revolutionized Carpal Tunnel Treatment with The Carpal Solution

A team of Harvard healthcare leaders developed the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit, a groundbreaking, natural therapy with a 97% success rate. This breakthrough offers lasting relief from Carpal Tunnel Symptoms without the risks, downtime and complications of a surgical procedure with a 50% patient satisfaction rate.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

A group of leading Medical Doctors and Healthcare leaders at Harvard identified the treatment of
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as an area of medicine that is falling behind modern healthcare
trends for patient satisfaction. The team identified patient surveys which showed less than a 50%
satisfaction rate with the standard treatment approaches for CTS. These standard treatments
included wrist splints, steroid injections, oral pain medications and carpal tunnel surgery. There are
many problems with the above treatments. Learn more about limitations and issues with standard
CTS treatments:

Treatment Overview
Wrist Splints
Oral Pain Medication
Corticosteroid Injections
Meet the Doctors

This group of Healthcare Experts and Medical Leaders, led by Dr. Jerome Grossman and Professor
Clayton Christensen decided that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was an area of Medicine that needed
significant improvement. Recognizing that CTS is caused by excess inflammation which gets trapped
in the Carpal Tunnel space, these experts at Harvard knew there had to be a better way of treating
this common syndrome that affects over 8 million people in the USA and over 20 million people

They focused their unique medical innovation search efforts on finding a better regimen for the
treatment of CTS. After months of searching their medical innovation network, a unique natural
treatment approach was identified. It was developed by a doctor who worked with patients based on
first-hand experience. This natural treatment jump-starts the body’s natural healing processes to
disperse trapped inflammation through restoring full blood circulation and restoring normal lymphatic
fluid exchange. This natural stretching treatment provided a 97% success rate based on patient
satisfaction surveys.

The team of Healthcare Leaders and Medical Experts decided to work with the Doctor to fine-tune the
Carpal Solution Stretching Treatment approach and improve the Kit to world-class standards of care
consistent with Harvard Medical School standards.

The result is the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit. A non-invasive natural treatment that works for 97%
of people suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Most people get relief of their worst symptoms
within three weeks and then get complete remission within 6 weeks of natural stretching treatment.
Once CTS is in full remission, the syndrome stays in remission for most people for 5 to 7 years. When CTS returns, you simply repeat this natural treatment and it goes away for another 5 to 7 years making the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit a “solution for life”.

The Carpal Solution Treatment Kit represents a remarkable breakthrough in the treatment options
available for CTS bringing it out of what is equivalent to the dark ages of medicine.

Our Medical Team continues to pioneer complimentary physical therapy to help accelerate recovery from this chronic hand condition for the few patients with systemic inflammation who respond more slowly to this natural treatment. Some people just take a little longer to break the inflammation cycle and get ahead of the inflammation curve.

For people with systemic inflammation, the body produces excess inflammation every day. These patients with persistent symptoms need to add proven natural inflammation management techniques provided by our Medical Team to over-come persistent inflammation and jump-start the body’s natural healing potential.

Whatever your situation or underlying systemic inflammation, we have your back. We don’t just sell a product. Our Medical Team has trained our customer service experts to help people with the most persistent symptoms. If you have systemic inflammation, learning how to manage it naturally slows down the aging process and helps you to live a longer healthier life in addition to putting CTS in remission.

The fact is, everyone can beat Carpal Tunnel naturally, sometimes it just takes a little more work to get the trapped inflammation moving and get ahead of the inflammation curve.

We have since helped over 500,000 people to heal naturally and avoid surgery using the Carpal
Solution Treatment Kit over the last 15 years with this patented medical treatment system.

Our team is confident we can help You too!

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