Carpal Tunnel Therapy – All Natural
Authored by Medical Expert: Mr. Alan Ward, MSOT, Master Occupational Therapist, Expert in Splinting and Bracing of Hands and Forearms
Carpal Tunnel is a debilitating syndrome that is frustrating and complicates the lives of people with severe limitations. It can drive a person crazy when the simple tasks that they have taken for granted all their lives are all of a sudden painful and difficult to perform.
Tasks like swinging a golf club, turning a door knob, twisting a key in the ignition, playing a musical instrument or dropping things unexpectedly. It also interrupts sleep which can be a serious health issue and result in irritable mood swings.
Many people feel despair as simple tasks, enjoyable hobbies and even necessary work become difficult to perform. Most people are hopeful that they can find a Carpal Tunnel Therapy that is natural and quickly gets them back to their normal life without the complications, risks, expense and downtime of surgery, steroid injections, painful nerve conductivity tests, long rehabilitation therapies post surgery or wearing rigid restrictive and embarrassing wrist splints and hand braces around day and night that often result in other complications like hand muscle atrophy.
Conventional healthcare systems present a complicated and frightening approach to Carpal Tunnel Treatment. There is hope and a much simpler natural therapy that works for over 97% of people suffering with both chronic and mild CTS.
Carpal Solution Therapy offers relief from wrist pain and hand tingling in days and remission of symptoms over the Six Week Protocol developed by Dr. Morgan. It is all natural and different from other over-the-counter CTS treatments. Worn during sleep, the Carpal Solution gently stretches and consistently reshapes soft tissue in and around the Carpal Tunnel and eliminates wrist pain, hand numbness and routine sleep interruption. It allows people to get back to their active lives in less just a few weeks.
Patient Success is over 97%!
People often wonder how such a simple device could reverse the serious consequences of such a life changing condition like CTS. The Carpal Solution could be summed up in a simple phrase that is often useful in addressing many of life’s challenges: Gentle Pressure Consistently Applied. Consistent gentle stretching therapy applied while the hand is completely relaxed during sleep for eight hours a day over a six week protocol works remarkable results.
The all natural Carpal Solution Therapy relieves pressure on the Median Nerve and has been shown to enhance blood circulation to the hand. Dr. Morgan, the physician inventor, suggests that increased nutrient and oxygen rich blood circulation reinvigorates the hand naturally and helps contribute to rapid recovery without invasive, restrictive and risky procedures.
The Carpal Solution devices has been carefully designed to apply tension with the same basic elasticity found in one’s skin, muscles and connective fascia tissue, allowing it to work in harmony with the body’s natural ability to stretch and relieve the pressure on the nerve and improve circulation to the hand and wrist. View More Video on Carpal Tunnel Relief
The Carpal Solution is the Next Best Thing to a Carpal Tunnel Cure.
Your worst CTS symptoms will subside in a week or two with complete remission after the 6 Week protocol with Carpal Solution Therapy. The symptoms will stay away for a year or two and when they come back, you have a reliable all natural treatment you can depend on to manage this somewhat persistent condition.
The key is learning how to manage the symptoms with a Therapy that offers the least interruption to your busy life and no complications to your overall health nor impact on your earning power. Even after surgery, when it works well, the symptoms of CTS frequently return post surgery, within a year or two and it can take a year of rehab to regain full use of your hands after surgery. Surgery is just a last resort for people suffering from this dreaded syndrome.
Worn during sleep, the Carpal Solution gently stretches and retrains soft tissue in and around the Carpal Tunnel and eliminates hand pain, finger numbness and sleep interruption Naturally, by relieving the pressure on the Median Nerve which causes CTS.
This wonderful Therapy allows people to get back to their active life styles with No Downtime, No Risks and No Complications and Minimal Expense Compared to other options.
The Carpal Solution alternative to surgery is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps
For a condition that is often brought on by either repetitive stress activities of the hand or metabolic induced inflammation, surgery is not a good answer because the underlying cause that brought CTS on in the first place will often bring the syndrome back even after surgery or invasive procedures like steroid injections. So, with these type of conditions it is important to have an all natural Carpal Tunnel treatment that you can return to use whenever you have flare-ups without worries about downtime, restrictions in movement, or fears of the risks or complications.
The Carpal Solution is the perfect Answer!
Muscular Skeletal Physiologists and Clinicians have been utilizing all natural Carpal Tunnel Therapies like massage and specialty elastic tapping for decades to enhance the body’s natural healing process, relieve pain, swelling and numbness caused by soft tissue injuries. These natural CTS Therapeutic Approaches improve blood circulation and lymphatic fluid exchange which results in more rapid regeneration of injured tissue and dispersion of fluids contributing to swollen tissue and complicating pressure.
Natural Soft Tissue Therapies have been proven to be the best way to deal with repetitive stress injuries since they come back and can reoccur as a person continues to use one’s hands, you cannot afford to be doing invasive procedures with lots of down time and rehab on a regular basis. Most people cannot afford the time and money to consistently visit a Chiropractor, Hand Therapists or Sports Medicine Specialist for a nightly massage or specialty tapping over the six week period needed to achieve the optimum results for chronic repetitive stress injuries like CTS.
The Carpal Solution was designed by a Muscular Skeletal Specialist to empower CTS sufferers to access the much needed consistent stretching massage action effectively in the comfort and privacy of one’s own home. As such it is a relatively simple, but remarkable, all natural Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Therapy that works in just a few weeks.
The Carpal Solution is an all natural Carpal Tunnel Therapy that has been used by over 81,000 people in over 30 countries and continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!” It is a much better option than Surgery and carries none of the risks nor need for repeat surgical procedures. You can view more detailed video user reviews of The Carpal Solution in 7 different languages on our YouTube video channel called: MyCarpalTunnelSolution Learn more about Carpal Tunnel Treatment