Gardener Tells Ordeal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How to Get Relief

Gardener Tells Ordeal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How to Get Relief

I have a large block of land the size of a football field that I love to garden. I normally spend 8 hours per day in the garden – Spring through Fall. It is my favorite thing to do. We grow 56 different vegetables from Swiss chard to tomatoes, every kind of squash, artichokes, zucchini, collard greens, etc. We also grow all kinds of flowers and flowering bushes. Our garden area was beautiful and gave me a lot of satisfaction and nourishment for my family.
Then I started getting these weird hand symptoms. My Carpal Tunnel Symptoms included: Numbness in my hands during the day, burning pain, wrist pain, shock waves up my forearm, waking in the night multiple times with numb hands, tingling fingers and burning pain in my palms, itchy palms, and extreme tenderness under my fingernails.
I could not do hardly any gardening. I could not weed the garden. I could not operate a weed eater. The vibration of the weed eater in my hands drove me crazy and it made my hands much worse. It broke my heart to see my beautiful garden go to weeds and become overgrown and ugly.
It was a real downer. I felt helpless.
I also love to do art work, I love to draw and do wood burning. I could not do any of this, it was too painful. When you have intense pain doing something you love, it ruins the joy you get from the activity. My hands felt more like claws than hands.
The thing about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is it is constant: The hand pain, the wrist pain and the numbness – torturing me during the day and then waking me up at night. There was no escape.
It was so bad I wanted to jump in the river behind my house and die. I told my husband, “It is a good thing I am not suicidal.”
I could not even hold a fork at the dinner table. It got embarrassing and difficult to eat.
My palms felt itchy all the time like I was coming into some money or something ( I wish).
When I would do anything vigorous it would send shock waves up my arm.
I felt constant hot burning pain in my hands and wrists. My hands were so numb, whenever I did any sudden activity with my hands, it felt like I was cutting my hands open. Certain activities like cleaning under my finger nails drove me crazy.
We also have a wood shop and my husband and I do a lot of wood working together. We built a greenhouse together so we could start growing plants earlier in the season before the frosts were over. With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome attacking my hands, I could not do any more wood working with my husband.
I gave birth to four children and I have had several operations. People and my Doctors have told me I tolerate pain very well, normally. I could not tolerate this constant hand pain and wrist pain from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
I was getting depressed and irritable from the lack of sleep. I was not my normal cheerful self any more. I thought to myself: “What kind of life can I have without my hands?” I could not even button my own pants.
I had many treatments before trying the Carpal Solution. None of them helped much. Here is a list of some of the different treatments I was given and tried.
1- Cortico-Steroid Injection – no help
2- Rigid Splints – caused my muscle to disappear
3- Stretching CD from the Carpal Tunnel Institute with a daytime stretching program – time consuming
and no help.
4- Compression Gloves, it felt good when they were on and kept my hands warmer, but no relief from
my symptoms.
5- Etc., Etc, Etc.

Nothing helped my condition, except some temporary relief here and there from the compression gloves.
I am allergic to most band aids and tapes, my daughter warned me about my allergies to tape when I was considering purchasing the Carpal Solution Treatment. But, I was determined to try this treatment because it was developed by doctors and I loved the testimonials I saw on video and the ones I read. I have had no allergic reaction to the Carpal Solution because it is hypo-allergenic.
My husband also questioned me saying, “Are you sure you want to do this?” – Speaking of the Carpal Solution. I was sure. I had to find a treatment besides Carpal Tunnel Surgery. I knew too many people that had had issues with the surgery and lost their grip strength and had CTS come back in a short time.
So, I purchased the Carpal Solution Treatment online and got started. Within one week, I was sleeping through the night. Within two weeks I was not dropping silverware or coffee cups. Within three weeks I was able to put on make-up and brush my hair with no issues. No more hand numbness, no more burning pain, I was getting better and felt ecstatic. I had so much energy and felt invigorated.
I started gardening again, and was worried the symptoms would come back, but no. I worked for a couple hours the first day and expected some symptoms to flare up, but no symptoms. The next day I worked four hours in the garden with no problem. Now, I am back to my normal routine of working 6 to 8 hours per day in the garden and no problem.
I have a wedding to get ready for. We are planning to have the reception in our beautiful backyard this June. So, I have a lot of work to do. I am so glad I have found the Carpal Solution. It gave me back my life! I can now work as hard as I want to and have no problems with my hands. The Carpal Solution really works.
If you are suffering the way I did, don’t wait and worry, feeling sorry for yourself. You can get relief with this wonderful home treatment and get back to your normal life. If the Carpal Solution works for me with my busy hands, it will likely work for anyone. I wish I would have gotten started sooner with the Carpal Solution. I did not have to lose so much time in pain. But, I am so grateful I found this wonderful treatment. I recommend The Carpal Solution without reservation, especially if you love to do gardening.
Eugene, Oregon