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How is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome diagnosed?

A person can self-diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confidently at home following a simple procedure with 95% plus accuracy.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

How is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome diagnosed?

A person can self-diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome confidently at home following a simple procedure with 95% plus accuracy.

By The Carpal Solution Medical Team Over 300 years combined medical experience

The definitive test in Medicine for formally diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a Nerve Conductivity Test (also known as Electromyography or  EMG).  This test is performed by a Neurologist (a medical expert on the central nervous system).  This test is required by health insurance companies prior to approving a Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure.

The Nerve Conductivity Test involves inserting needles into different areas along the Median Nerve path, up and down the hand and arm on either side of the Carpal Tunnel.  Then electrical current is applied to the needles to detect the speed of the nerve reaction time to the electrical jolt.  Some patients report that the test can be quite painful.  Others say it is not painful at all.   The pain involved often  depends on the skill of the Medical Professional administering the diagnostic test.

If the nerve responds more slowly than what is expected for a healthy nerve, nerve inhibition can be detected.  Medical Professionals often refer to a slow nerve response as: “Nerve Damage”.  This is not technically correct, because Nerve Damage is irreversible.  The truth is when the Median Nerve is pinched in the Carpal Tunnel, it impedes the transfer of current along the nerve, but it does not result in “Nerve Damage”.

The more appropriate term  that would apply in the case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is “Nerve Inhibition”.  Since, the Nerve is rarely irreversibly damaged with CTS.  Instead the Median Nerve is being inhibited from peak performance from the pinching caused by excess inflammation that gets trapped and by injured soft tissue that loses its flexibility and can contract causing pinching action on the Median Nerve in the Carpal Tunnel space.

So, the correct term applied to CTS is:  “Nerve Inhibition” not “Nerve Damage”.  Most patients when they are told they have “Nerve Damage” find it frightening, because “Nerve Damage” is frightening.  It is irreversible and the term should not be used to describe the nerve inhibition that is actually happening in almost all cases with CTS.  Nerve damage is extremely rare with CTS and would involve excruciating pain over a long period.   If you treat CTS proactively with proven natural treatment and the symptoms are relieved, you are not at risk of irreversible nerve damage.  Patients should not be frightened by this language.

Patients often wonder:  Is a Nerve Conductivity Test required to confidently diagnose CTS?

The answer is a Resounding, NO!

In fact, a person can confidently self-diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at home following a simple procedure with 95% plus accuracy.

 Self-Diagnosis of CTS Guided by Expert Doctors

    1. If you have one ( 1 ) of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms listed on our “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms” page, then you have a 70 – 80% chance of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
    2. If you have two ( 2 ) of the Carpal Tunnel Symptoms listed on our “Carpal Tunnel Symptoms” page, then you have a 80 -90% confidence factor of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
    3. If you have three ( 3 ) or more of the Carpal Tunnel Symptoms listed on our “Carpal Tunnel Symptoms” page, then you have a greater than 95% surety that you definitely have this chronic hand / wrist condition.


Number of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms           Percentage Confidence of CTS Self-Diagnosis
                  1                              70 – 80%
                  2                              80 – 90%
                  3 or more CTS Symptoms                              > 95% Confidence


So, unless you are determined to get a Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure, or if you have confusing symptoms, there is no reason to have go through the pain, time, hasel and expense associated with an EMG test to diagnose CTS formally.

If you would prefer to self-diagnose and pursue proven natural therapies that work with a high success rate, like the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit, then there is no reason to get the Nerve Conductivity Test.

People that have two or more of these common Carpal Tunnel Symptoms and have a self-diagnosis confidence factor over 80% can proceed with confidence treating their condition at home with The Carpal Solution Treatment Kit.  This Kit was developed by Doctors and people experience a 97% success rate using it.

Over 500,000 people have successfully self-diagnosed CTS at home and treated themselves naturally with the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit.  Natural stretching restores flexibility in the injured soft tissue and restores full blood circulation and full lymphatic fluid exchange.  Once these natural healing processes are restored, Carpal Tunnel will go into remission and stay in remission for years.

There are sure signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that can help an individual self-diagnose as they decide to take proactive steps to control their symptoms. However, people suffering from persistent symptoms that do not respond to proven natural therapies within 3 months,  should consult their physician following a self-diagnosis to confirm the result,  and seek help identifying underlying causes or contributing factors.  The evaluation of repetitive stress induced carpal tunnel syndrome includes identifying high risk hand activities at work, home and at play.

Each person brings their own unique hand use pattern to the equation. Yet the symptoms of CTS sufferers share many common elements as discussed on the CTS Symptoms page. If you experience regular sleep interruption due to tingling numb or painful hands, or you have lost feeling in your index finger and thumb, there is a high likelihood that you are suffering from repetitive stress induced Carpal Tunnel Strain or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Proactive healthcare consumers can begin using the Carpal Solution to control their CTS symptoms while they consult their physician to confirm the diagnosis as described above.

“My right wrist was at the point where I experienced pain and loss of strength when picking up heavier objects. I used the Carpal Solution and had immediate relief. I was so worried I would have to have surgery. Now, if I experience pain, I use the Carpal Solution for two or three nights and have immediate relief of any reoccurring pain. Thank you, I would recommend this remarkable product to any CTS sufferer.”

Judie – Santa Ana, CA.

At your physician’s evaluation you will be asked to explain your activities with a detailed description of all the processes involved in a typical day’s activities including those at work, at home and during recreation. An assessment is made of the frequency, intensity, duration and regularity of each task performed. An assessment of other potential contributing factors such as Auto Immune Disorders, Arthritis, Diabetes, Gout, Hypothyroidism, Menopause, Wrist Fractures, Hand Fractures, Torn Ligaments, Dislocations, Pregnancy, etc.

Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome can be confirmed by performing certain tests to detect impairment of the median nerve. Some of the tests are quite subjective and require feedback from the patient to help with the diagnosis, others are purely scientific in nature, but more invasive and time consuming. Your physician will guide you based on your specific conditions as to what is the most appropriate for you. Below is a list of what you may see during your visit to your Doctor:

Tinel’s test – The physician taps the median nerve at the wrist. A tingling response in one or more fingers indicates damage to the median nerve.

Phalen’s test – The patient puts the backs of the hands together and bends the wrists for one minute. Tingling of the fingers indicates damage to the median nerve.

Electromyography – Electrodes are placed on the forearm and electrical current is directed at target areas. Measurements on how fast and how well the median nerve transmits messages to muscles indicate if there is damage to this nerve.

Nerve Conductivity Testing – Nerve conduction studies are the “gold standard” diagnostic tool for the assessment of neuropathies, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Neuro-diagnostic testing is also useful in the evaluation of back pain or sciatica, helping to determine the presence of nerve root involvement in cases of lumbosacral radiculopathy and lumbar spinal stenosis.

Nerve Conductivity Testing compares the response of the Ulnar Nerve to the responsiveness of the Median Nerve. The Ulnar Nerve connects to the smallest finger of the hand and provides feeling sensation to the nerve center in the brain. The Ulnar Nerve passes through the wrist, but around the outside of the Carpal Tunnel, while the Median Nerve passes directly through the Carpal Tunnel.

A significant difference in the responsiveness of the two nerves is thought to be a clear confirmation of CTS. The established medical community considers this test to be the gold standard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome testing. Nerve Conductivity testing is required by most medical insurance providers and surgeons before surgery will be considered for reimbursement. There are also new electrophysiological technologies being developed, that offer rapid less invasive nerve diagnostic information. Results are generated within minutes to help confirm the clinical assessment and expedite quick preventative action.


Nerve disorders can be tricky to diagnosis for the average medical professional.   You can do a self-diagnosis using the method here    while you wait for a formal diagnosis.   If you are comfortable with the odds and percentage probabilities you can move forward with a natural treatment before you see a Neurologist.

Neurologists are the nerve experts in medicine.  If you have questions about what is the causing the symptoms you are experiencing,  these medical professionals (MD’s) will be able to identify exactly where the symptoms are emanating from within your body.   The cost for a Nerve Conductivity Study can range from $1,000 to $2,500.   If you have Health Insurance with a low deductible it should cover most of the cost.  If you have a high deductible Health Insurance Plan, you will likely be footing most of the bill for this test.   Because of the wide range of the cost of the Nerve Study, it is important and totally fine to ask how much the clinic will charge for the test before you agree to have it done.

Some Patients report the Nerve Study to be quite painful and unsettling. Other patients say the Nerve Test was a little uncomfortable, but no big deal and was not painful.

Here is a link to some useful information written by a leading Neurologist in the UK on how to get the most out of a Nerve Conductivity Test:

How to get the most out of nerve conduction studies and electromyography

By Dr. Geraint Fuller Department of Neurology, Gloucester Royal Hospital in Scotland United Kingdom.
Published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Volume 76 Issue Suppl 2

Neurologists tell their patients that the best first line of treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is using the Carpal Solution Treatment. It is clinically documented, FDA Registered, Manufacturing according to the top quality guidelines in an FDA approved manufacturing plan according to the top ISO quality standards for medical devices. The Carpal Solution comes with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.   Patients say the Carpal Solution is :“My Carpal Tunnel Cure.”

Do I Need to get a formal Diagnosis?  Read What the Doctors Recommend:

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