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Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH – Expert in Preventative Medicine

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH – Expert in Preventative Medicine

Home Health Care Visionary & Expert in Preventative Medicine helped develop The Carpal Solution Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Joseph E. SchergerJoseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH, Is a Home Health Care Visionary, was the founding Dean of the University of Florida Medical School and currently is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. He is an expert in Preventative Medicine and Family Practice. Dr. Scherger has made natural healing and personal wellness a key part of his medical practice. He has a unique medical perspective by combining wellness expertise and understanding of Nutrition with a strong scientific background in allopathic medicine.

Family Physicians are the first line of aid that people look to for help in solving their health issues. As such family physicians are dedicated to helping patients find the least risky and most cost-effective treatment regimens to quickly heal and get back to normal life.

The Carpal Solution represents this type of patient friendly therapy that Family Physicians love to prescribe. It is simple, easy and it works for a high percentage of people. People can use it in the comfort of home, without having to make multiple trips to a therapist. It also helps people avoid a risky surgical procedure.

Preventive care is important because it helps you stay healthy and access prompt treatment and avoid invasive higher risk procedures. Employing a high standard of preventative care can also help reduce overall medical expenses for the patient, the health insurance provider and unburden the health care system.

When serious ailments, like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be dealt with at home by the patient with a natural preventative treatment, the surgeons and surgery suites in the hospital and clinics are available for patients with more serious medical issues that cannot be treated at home. Patients stay healthier and get more effective treatment.

A key to effective preventative care is to do screenings, self-test and diagnosis early can catch a syndrome or a disease before it gets too serious and before it disrupts the patient’s life significantly and results in higher costs to the health care delivery system.

When caught early, many ailments can be treated early with less invasive treatment protocols that result in less risks, better outcomes and less costs for the patient.


This website allows Patients to do self-test that facilitates early identification of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with a self-diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that delivers an accurate diagnosis with 95% confidence. A 95% confidence rate is higher than the average confidence rate of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome diagnosis in the average family practice medical office.

The Carpal SolutionThe good news for patients is there is a great preventative therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The Carpal Solution Treatment Kit works for patients whether you catch it early or whether it has progressed to a serve state. However, why suffer when there is such a simple, safe and inexpensive treatment that works for a high percentage of patients.

You can use the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit as a preventative treatment to prevent the onset of Carpal Tunnel if you work in an environment where Carpal Tunnel Syndrome carries a high incidence such as dentistry or dental hygiene or as a hair dresser or hair stylists, or a plumber or construction worker.

You can also use the Carpal Solution for a mild case of Carpal Tunnel or even a severe case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It works well for patients in all situations.

As a key member of the team that discovered and help develop the Carpal Solution Treatment, Dr. Scherger grasped quickly the potential for the Carpal Solution Carpal Tunnel Treatment to help patients heal naturally from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and avoid the risks of surgery.

Dr. Scherger has been instrumental in discovering and developing the Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit and has helped over 200,000 patients heal naturally without steroid injections and without resorting to the risks and downtime of Carpal Tunnel Surgery.


Awards and Accolades Given to Doctor Scherger, MD, MPH

Dr. Scherger has received numerous awards, including Outstanding Clinical Instructor in the School of Medicine at the University of California, Davis. He was chosen as Family Physician of the Year by the American Academy of Family Physicians and the California Academy of Family Physicians. In 1986, he served as President of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

Joseph E. Scherger, M.DDr. Scherger was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He received the Thomas W. Johnson Award forFamily Practice Education from the American Academy of Family Physicians. He chaired the Board for Eureka Medical on the west Coast and led the session where the Carpal Solution Therapy was identified as a promising medical invention.

The Carpal Solution has streamlined the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, reduce the costs of surgery for Carpal Tunnel Patients and freed up medical facilities for patients with more pressing needs.

The Carpal Solution offers patients the perfect combination of convenience, cost savings and effective therapy in solving one of the difficult treatment challenges of medicine. Carpal Tunnel Surgery has a low success rate based on patient surveys. It is one of the lowest success rates in modern medicine, with only 60% of first surgeries deemed successful by patients.

Since Carpal Tunnel Syndrome comes back even after successful surgery, it is better to find an alternative treatment which a patient can depend upon without resorting to surgery. Repeat surgical procedures is not a real solution for this chronic condition

The Carpal Solution

2nd Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedures have an even lower success rate based on patient surveys. Patients report a 40% success rate on second Carpal Tunnel Surgeries. Third surgical procedures are strongly discouraged by medical experts as too risky due to scar tissue formed during the first and second carpal tunnel surgical procedures. Lets face it repeated invasive surgical procedures for a treatment caused by trapped inflammation and injured soft tissue that has lost its flexibility is a poor treatment protocol. Most medical experts would agree that must be a better way to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome over repeated surgical procedures with a low success rate. The good news for patients is that better way is simple and easy to do from home under Doctors’ guidance with the Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit. This proven preventative treatment approach has a 97% success rate and represents a permanent solution for the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The Carpal Solution Carpal Tunnel Treatment Kit is a break-through innovation in preventative medicine. Dr. Scherger played a key role in the discovery and development of this remarkable advancement in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Dr. Joseph Scherger’s career in family medicine has spanned 40 years. His training also included a Masters in Public Health where he studied nutrition at the University of Washington. He has always provided preventive medicine and wellness as a foundation of his medical practice.

Dr Scherger wrote a leading wellness book from a medical expert’s perspective:
Lean and Fit – A Doctor’s Journey to Healthy Nutrition and Greater Wellness.


Does CTS come back after treatment with the Carpal Solution?

Most patient get relief of their worst symptoms within 3 weeks and complete remission within 6 weeks. Once a patient breaks the cycle chronic cycle of Carpal Tunnel and disperses the trapped inflammation, CTS goes into remission. It can stay in remission for a long time – up to 12 years for some, but usually comes back in 2 – 7 years for most patients.

When CTS comes back, the patient simply repeats the 6 week natural stretching treatment program using the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit at home and puts CTS in remission for another 2 – 7 years. In this way, the Carpal Solution is a “Permanent Solution” for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. No Surgery, No Downtime, No Scar Tissue, No Risks of Complications.

For the patient it is simple easy and inexpensive with no downtime. For the health insurance provider, it saves $3,000 to $7,000 per patient per surgical attempt. For the health care delivery system, it frees up resources for other patients with more pressing health concerns that are not as easily resolved at home.

As such the development of the Carpal Solution represents a remarkable break-through in preventative medicine and is one of the best home health care inventions developed in the last 30 years.

Articles Written by Doctor Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH on this website:

“Dr. Scherger is a Home Health Care Visionary and Preventative Medicine Expert who has helped save the Health Care Delivery System billions of dollars over his career.

The Carpal SolutionThe Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit is another Preventative Medicine Breakthrough discovered and developed by Dr. Scherger and the team of medical experts of First Hand Medical. The Carpal Solution has saved healthcare system over $1.2 billion in unnecessary carpal tunnel surgical procedures.

The Carpal Solution has also saved patients and industry over $1.4 billion in wages and earnings not lost, due to downtime with repeated Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedures.

With more medical treatment breakthroughs like the Carpal Solution Treatment Kit, we could reduce healthcare costs and deliver better outcomes for patients across medicine. We need more medical breakthroughs to solve runaway medical costs.

The Carpal Solution Treatment is a perfect example of how medical innovation can solve the problems and high costs of healthcare across the world and do so with better patient outcomes at lower costs, with less risks and fewer complications.

This Carpal Tunnel Treatment fits my model for improving medicine – prioritizing less invasive treatment alternatives that work at home with a high success rate and are easily accessed as the best first line of treatment.

Well Done Dr. Scherger and the team of Medical Experts at First Hand Medical! It is my hope, that all medical innovators can develop more products, like the Carpal Solution, and keep improving healthcare delivery at an accelerated rate!”

Dr. Jerome Grossman, MD – Founder of First Hand Medical and

Former Director of Healthcare Delivery at Harvard’s Kennedy School,

Former CEO of Tuff’s Medical Center.


Dr. Joseph Scherger’s career in family medicine started in the infancy of this new specialty in the early 1970s and went through its early transformation in the information age into Family Medicine.

A typical general practitioner in office practice would see 50-60 patients a day. In family medicine, more time was spent with patients with an expanded focus on the patient’s biopsychosocial needs. Family physicians between 1970 and 2000 were trained to see 20-30 patients a day.

With the internet, communication and care with patients become continuously accessible and seeing patients in the office is a selective activity rather than the primary way patients are cared for.

Doctor Joseph E. SchergerThe emergence of health information technology and the internet will radically change the delivery of health care, and in 2014 these changes are still in their infancy. Collected here are the articles that he is most proud of and believes made some contribution to family medicine.

The articles are not a complete look at the issues central to the growing specialty and academic discipline of family medicine during the 40 years between 1974 and 2014 but reflect those areas of his involvement, such as student interest in the specialty, especially during the 1970s and 1980s; family centered maternity care in the 1980s and 1990s; managed care in the 1990s; and the emergence of the internet and information technology resulting in new ways to provide family medicine in 2000 and beyond. Dr. Scherger did not plan to go into family medicine.

Growing up in the small town in Ohio of Delphos, the only physicians were general practitioners. Dr. Scherger was drawn to the social sciences and earned a minor emphasis in philosophy while in college.

While studying in the late 1960s, he decided medicine would be the profession of choice, while philosophy would be his hobby.

His conversion to family medicine happened during the third year of medical school at UCLA while on the emergency medicine rotation at a large county hospital. Each day the medical students were triaged to either the medical or surgical areas of the emergency room. On the surgical side he discovered he could fix things, such as sewing up lacerations, putting on splints and casts and loved it! Being triaged to the medicine side, the tedium had him not looking forward to going in but that rotation was followed by the joy of delivering babies in obstetrics and seeing children in pediatrics. He wanted it all and was drawn to the new specialty of family medicine.

Helping other medical students choose family medicine became a passion. Preceptorships, where students would spend time in a practicing family physician’s office, became popular. He saw what experiences worked and the ones that turned the students off. That topic became the focus of his first published article and early presentations. He shared insight into how preceptorships were effective and why they were not. It is his hope that these articles are useful not only from an historical perspective but also as a guide to the future.

Dr. Joseph E. Scherger graduated from the University of Dayton in 1971, summa cum laude and from the UCLA School of Medicine in 1975, and was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha. He completed a Family Medicine Residency and his MPH at the University of Washington. He served in Dixon, California as a migrant health physician, which was followed by dividing his time between private practice in Dixon and teaching UC Davis medical students and residents.

As a Fellow in the Kellogg National Fellowship Program, he focused on health care reform and quality of life. His career includes being Vice President for Family Practice and Primary Care Education at Sharp Health Care in San Diego, Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and the Associate Dean for Primary Care at the UC Irvine, and serving as founding dean of the Florida State University College of Medicine.

Dr. Scherger has received numerous awards, including being recognized as a “Top Doc” in San Diego, voted Outstanding Clinical Instructor at the UC Davis School of Medicine, and Family Physician of the Year by the American Academy of Family Physicians and the California Academy of Family Physicians. He also received the Thomas W. Johnson Award for Family Practice Education from the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the Lynn and Joan Carmichael Recognition Award from the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

The UC Irvine medical students selected Dr. “Joe” for the AAMC Humanism in Medicine Award.

He has been President of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

He served on the Institute of Medicine Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America and also on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Board of Family Medicine. He has authored more than 400 medical publications and has given over 1000 invited presentations in his 40 years of family medicine. Joseph E. Scherger, M.D., M.P.H., is now Vice President for Primary Care & Marie Pinizzotto, MD Chair of Academic Affairs at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California.

He is also Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, and at the Keck School of Medicine at USC.

He enjoys an active family life with his wife, Carol, and two sons, Adrian and Gabriel. He has completed 30 marathons, eight 50K and three 50-mile ultramarathon trail runs.

Further Reading

Dr.Joseph E. Scherger is Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California


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