What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Nearly a tenth of the American population suffers form mild to severe carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). What causes carpal tunnel syndrome, and how can sufferers find relief from symptoms, which include numbness in the fingers, burning pain in the forearms, shoulders, and neck, and sleeplessness due to hand pain or numbness?
First of all, keep in mind that the vast majority of CTS sufferers endure a wide variety of repetitive strain injury symptoms. Repetitive activities apparently can accumulate so that subtle, seemly insignificant, physical tasks can lead to inflammation, joint and tendon problems, bunched fascia, nerve impingement and even nerve abrasion in chronic cases, as well as muscular degeneration and atrophy.
That said, CTS may be caused by other conditions, including tumors, both benign and malign, changes in the body’s hormonal balance associated with pregnancy, menopause, or the taking of birth control pills or other medication that induce changes in hormone levels. Also metabolic conditions like autoimmune disorders such as hypothyroidism and arthritis can contribute to CTS. Other metabolic conditions that can contribute to CTS include, diabetes, gout, obesity, and a condition called double crush syndrome. Repetitive stress activities that lead to CTS include gardening, long-distance driving such as truck drivers on big rigs, musical instrument practice, video game playing, cell phone text messaging, keyboarding, and mousing. Computer professionals, in particular, are at risk for developing CTS. Proper workstation ergonomics can alleviate some of the contributing factors to CTS but are unlikely to resolve the entire problem.
Carpal tunnel syndrome patients can now depend on the Carpal Solution for advanced, therapeutic, and clinically demonstrated assistance with CTS. The Carpal Solution is an easy-to-utilize wrist splint that patients wear during sleep to massage and restore inflamed tissue. It enhances and accelerates the body’s natural healing process. You can ask questions directly to a musculoskeletal specialist, Dr. Morgan about CTS here at www.HandHealth.info. Act now to get control of your symptoms and order the Carpal Solution today. Preempt interruption to your active lifestyle due to chronic CTS.
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to learn more and order today. Don’t put your life on hold,-start getting back to your active life today and stay connected in the information age without downtime or worries about soreness in your hands and wrists joints. The Carpal Solution is the Ultimate Wrist Pain Support for Managing Carpal Tunnel Soreness and Pain in Wrists.
The Carpal Solution has been used by over 50,000 people in over 30 countries to eliminate sore wrists, numb hands, and tingling fingers. There are over 15 different possible contributing factors. . First Hand Medical continues to get a 97% success rate among patients. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution a better first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Patients simply call it: “My Carpal Tunnel Cure!”
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Learn more about Carpal Tunnel Causes
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