Question asked by: Margret – Columbus, Ohio
Answered by Doctors at First Hand Medical
Great question Margret, Thank you.
In treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is important to understand that it is cyclical in nature and once it gets going the pressure impinging on the nerve also restricts blood circulation and blocks your body’s natural healing process.
There are some things you can do at home on your own to mitigate the discomfort, but at the end of the day you need to do consistent serious treatment developed by Doctors to stop the cycle of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. This is required to get relief for an extended period of time.
Also, it is important to keep in mind that Carpal Tunnel comes back for over 85% of people, even after a “Successful Carpal Tunnel Surgery”. For a chronic syndrome that comes back, it is important to manage the condition naturally if possible. Repeat surgical procedures for Carpal Tunnel are a poor option.
Here is a prioritized list of treatment options to put Carpal Tunnel in remission for years:
- Do alternating ice and heat therapy. – Get two pitchers of water. Fill one with ice and water to a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius ) and the other pitcher with warm to hot water (as warm as you can tolerate without being burned). You put your hand in the warm water first for 2 minutes and then in the cold water for 2 minutes. You alternate back and forth between the two for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Reduce the inflammation response of your body. You can take oral anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen for immediate help, but this alone will not cure CTS. Also, you can take a more natural approach to managing inflammation with ginger capsules, curcumin capsules and Braggs’ Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water and Agave or Honey. In the long run the more natural method is much preferred due to the heavy side effects associated with long term exposure to anti-inflammatory medication. Labels of ibuprofen state that you should not be on them for more than 10 days without a Doctor’s supervision. Oral Anti-inflammatory medication can damage key organs like kidneys and the body’s digestive track with extended exposure.
- Do Night Time Stretching Therapy During Sleep. The best way to achieve this is to order the Doctor developed night time stretching regimen known as the Carpal Solution Treatment. This treatment was developed by Doctors working with patients.It is clinically documented and works for 97% of people to relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and put it in complete remission. For most people the Carpal Solution puts their worst symptoms in remission within 3 weeks and complete remission in 6 weeks. Then it goes away for 2 – 7 years.The Six Week Protocol provides over 220 hours of targeted consistent stretching during sleep. There is no downtime and no risks of complications.
The costs in downtime and monetary expenses are minimal compared to more invasive procedures, like steroid injections and Carpal Tunnel Surgery.
- Do daytime hand and finger stretching when you can fit it into your schedule. Most people are too busy to even do a regular exercise program let alone adding a lot of daytime hand stretching to their required routine. While daytime stretching is healthy, It is difficult to do enough to have the impact needed to put Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in complete remission. Also, some hand exercises and stretching are bad for Carpal Tunnel. It is important to have guidance from a trusted source on what you do. You can also do too much day time stretching and it can aggravate CTS.
- Employ proven ergonomic principles in your work station. You can research sound ergonomics on this website for computer work or on other websites for your specific profession.
Additional Facts About The Five Step Plan To Put Carpal Tunnel Into Remission
- Most people can back-off on the alternating heat and ice therapy once they begin the consistent Night Time Stretching Treatment.
- Long-term, a diet that minimizes inflammation is not only good for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but a host of other inflammation driven auto-immune disorders. Most western cultures have a diet that stimulates inflammation response that is heavy in meat, processed food, processed flour, refined sugars, etc. Patients can accrue significant long-term benefits from altering their diet or at a minimum augmenting their diet with Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger and Curcumin Capsules daily, these are reported by many to minimize the effects of a diet high in inflammatory foods.
- The key to getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome under control naturally is the 8 hours of passive stretching during sleep. For most people this will be all they need to do. While all people will benefit from the other action items above, and can accelerate their recovery by using them, none of these alone will solve your Carpal Tunnel problem.
The Carpal Solution is Self-Applied Before Retiring to Bed in Three Easy Steps

STEP 1: Place the Carpal Solution on the Back of the hand as shown with adhesive side down. Attach 1st strap below little finger securing it on the palm. Tear away excess tape to prevent overlap of straps on palm.

STEP 2: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 2nd strap below the thumb and attached on palm side of hand as shown. Adjust tension by stretching circular hole on back of hand in the elastic centerpiece to an oval shape. The diameter should be at least 1.5 times the original.

STEP 3: Self apply the appropriate tension to the Carpal Solution with 3rd strap above the thumb. Tear-away straps should be aligned so there is no overlap of straps on palm side of hand. The Carpal Solution begins to relieve symptoms usually within twenty minutes of placement.

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The ONLY treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.