Pregnant Woman Gets Needed Sleep and Relief from Carpal Tunnel

Pregnant Woman Gets Needed Sleep and Relief from Carpal Tunnel

“In the first two months of pregnancy I developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand and particularly at night. As it got increasingly worse, I mentioned it to my midwife as I was starting to lose a lot of sleep over it. The pain was waking me up every night between 5 and 15 times!
I was informed the only available remedies to this were; anti-inflammatory meds (not suitable in pregnancy), steroids injected into the wrist (again not suitable in pregnancy) or, going to see a physiotherapist (who I was told would probably not do anything due to my being pregnant). I was advised to take 2 paracetamol (Tylenol) before bed to ease the pain!
I don’t like taking any tablets and prefer to find alternative relief but attempted this all the same. It made no difference. That’s when my Mum found you on the internet. I was skeptical at first that such a simple device could work, but I was willing to try anything —so she placed an order for the Carpal Solution.
As soon as The Carpal Solution arrived I tried it that night and quite frankly I was amazed! A phenomenal success! I didn’t wake once and was quite surprised when I awoke in the morning able to feel my fingers! This may sound like a strange statement to make, but until you have felt carpal tunnel syndrome you really have no idea!
I followed the recommended course and found it to be a huge success in aiding my sleep. Now the only thing that’s going to keep me awake is the arrival of our baby!

As I have progressed through my pregnancy (I am now 33 weeks) I have found the carpal tunnel symptoms are getting worse during the day when I do not wear the Carpal Solution for a couple of nights in a row. Now both my hands are tingling and numb (although still worse in my left hand).
I’ll finish (finally) by saying thank you. Thank you for making such a simple yet wonderfully effective device as the Carpal Solution. You have made a very tired, pregnant and hormonal woman very happy!!”
Pippa – Lancashire, England, Carpal Tunnel Relief in the United Kingdom
There is hope for you. You do not need to undergo surgery.
Neurologists are experts on the central nervous system.
These nerve experts say that the Carpal Solution is the best first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but most patients call it a Carpal Tunnel Cure.
The Carpal Solution works for 97% of people with Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. It will likely work for you too.
It is the only treatment for Carpal Tunnel that comes with a Money Back Guarantee and it is reimbursed by health insurance.
Not only are there no risks of complications to you or your baby with the Carpal Solution Therapy, as you find with carpal tunnel surgery, but First Hand Medical has also eliminated any financial risk of trying the Carpal Solution.
Learn more about health insurance reimbursement for The Carpal Solution