With a Thyroid Condition, is Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recommended?
Hashimoto's & Carpal Tunnel are linked. Explore a non-surgical treatment with 97% success, even for those with thyroid conditions.

With a Thyroid Condition, is Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recommended?
Hashimoto’s & Carpal Tunnel are linked. Explore a non-surgical treatment with 97% success, even for those with thyroid conditions.

Question by Patient:
I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and recently have developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms. Are these related? Is Carpal Tunnel Surgery a good option for treatment with my thyroid condition?
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Answers by Doctors at First Hand Medical :
Great question Annita!
You are right, these two conditions are closely linked. There are over 17 different factors that can contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (Learn more about Carpal Tunnel Causes ) Thyroid issues are a common contributing factor to CTS.
For anyone with Carpal Tunnel, before you seek treatment it is important to know what the potential underlying factors could be for your hand / wrist condition.
Your Doctor can order some tests and perform some evaluations to help you determine what might be contributing to your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms.
It is very common for people with a Thyroid Condition to get CTS.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not a disease, it is a collection of symptoms that are common to people who experience pressure on the Median Nerve due to inflammation and injury to the soft tissue in and around the narrow space of the anatomy at the base of the hand known as the Carpal Tunnel.
Many people are rushed into Carpal Tunnel Surgery before they understand the underlying causes of their condition.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms reoccur for over 85% of people after having a Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure. Carpal Tunnel Surgery is not a permanent fix.
The symptoms can come back within 6 months to eight years. Either way, most people find it shocking that their symptoms come back even after surgery.
When you have a Thyroid Condition, the potential for Carpal Tunnel flare-ups post-surgery are much greater because the underlying cause is always present.
Second Surgical Procedures for CTS have a much lower success rate than first time surgeries.
Surgery is definitely a last resort treatment option for someone with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, like you.
So, what can be done for someone with a Thyroid Condition that suffers with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Doctors have developed a natural night time Passive Carpal Tunnel Stretching Treatment Kit that allows you to treat your Carpal Tunnel comfortably at night during sleep. It is called the Carpal Solution Treatment and it works for 97% of people. It comes in a 6 Week Treatment Package which puts your worst symptoms in remission within 4 weeks and gives you complete remission in 6 weeks. Then CTS goes away for 2 – 7 years for most people. When it comes back you simply do another 6 week treatment regimen during sleep. It is so convenient and easy. You get your life back without downtime and without the risks of surgery.
If you have a Thyroid Condition or Arthritis or any Auto-Immune Disorder, Surgery should be a last resort because the underlying physiological disorder will keep bringing the symptoms back. So, in these cases it is best to seek a non-invasive treatment that works with your body’s natural healing process. The Carpal Solution Treatment jump starts your body’s natural healing action and puts Carpal Tunnel Symptoms in remission for years. When the symptoms are gone, CTS is in remission and there is nothing to worry about with this hand condition.
Call Toll Free: 1-800-798-5210 to speak to a knowledgeable representative now.

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