Carpal Tunnel Pain Worse After Surgery for Retail Merchandiser

Hi, my name is Linda, I live near the beach in South Carolina. I am employed as a retail merchandiser. I do a lot of handheld computer and repetitive scanning of items. My job requires a lot of traveling to my store calls. My hobbies include gardening and knitting. I have not been able to enjoy my hobbies with Carpal Tunnel. Approximately four years ago I began to develop sharp pains in both wrists and then the pain started shooting up my arms, my right hand first then my left hand.

Scanning Bar Codes All Day can really be Painful when you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I started getting a sharp pain in the palm of my hand and my fingers started tingling. My hands ached while I was driving. My fingers stared triggering while doing small tasks such as making the bed, laundry and other tasks. I was losing sleep due to the sharp pains in my hands during the night.

I then tried the wrist braces with the metal inserts and pain reliving creams. Which did very little help and my hands continued to worsen. It was starting to affect my job and my everyday activities. I began dropping items at work and home and was losing strength in both of my hands. I was losing mobility of my right thumb with intense pain. At this point I was really concerned about losing use of both my hands.

I went to my family doctor which referred me to an Orthopedic Specialist. The Specialist ordered a nerve conduction test, ultrasound and x-rays. After the tests, he advised that I needed Carpal Tunnel Surgery immediately on both hands because of possible permanent damage to my right hand. They did the surgery on my right first and six weeks later they performed surgery on my left hand.

I was advised that after a few weeks following the surgical procedure, that my hands would start getting better.

Instead of getting better after Carpal Tunnel Surgery, my hand pain, wrist pain, and tingling fingers got worse. The skin color on my right hand started turning a grayish color, not the normal flesh color.

I was in a lot of pain and I was still very concerned of losing use of my hands at this point. I received several steroid shots in the palms of my hands for the triggering fingers. I started getting depressed and irritable and worrying about not being able to work and function with my hands.

Instead of getting better after Carpal Tunnel Surgery, my hand pain, wrist pain and tingling fingers got worse!

dont let carpal tunnel pain keep you from enjoying your hobbies such as gardening

The Specialist then ordered an MRI on my upper spine thinking that my symptoms might be coming from there. I was also sent to a Pain Specialist for steroid shots into my spine. There was no relief or change from getting the shots. After this the Specialist advised me that he was at a loss and to give it some time. This was approximately 18 months after my surgery.

We then decided to get a second opinion from another Specialist. He ordered all the same test over again and prescribed pain medication. He also wanted me to see a spine specialist.

After two years of all the tests, surgeries and medications I felt like my hands were deteriorating and dying and I was ready to give up.

My husband decided that we should do more research concerning the issues with my hands. He discovered the Carpal Tunnel Solution site, we watched all the video testimonials and read all the information concerning the symptoms. We realized that a lot of the symptoms were the same as mine and that a lot of Carpal Tunnel Solutions clients were getting better.

We called and spoke to a representative which was very knowledgeable about Carpal Tunnel so we ordered the product. The product arrived in a couple of days, faster than we thought it would and I started using the product immediately. I followed all the recommended instructions and stretching exercises.

I really missed my Needlework happy hour with my friends until I found the Carpal Solution Treatment

In my fifth week, I noticed that the strength had returned to my hands and the pain was gone in my left hand and almost gone in my right hand. I am now able to sleep at night and I can drive and work without pain in my hands.

The product “Carpal Tunnel Solution” is totally an “AMAZING” product. I cannot express how much of a blessing this is to me. I have saved my hands by using this treatment at home, when all the specialists, testing, surgery and expense could not. I am back working without pain. I am back knitting with my friends and doing my gardening. I am sincerely grateful to Carpal Tunnel Solution.

Thank You,


Retail Merchandiser, South Carolina

The Carpal Solution Treatment is recommended by Neurologists

“The product “Carpal Tunnel Solution” is totally an “AMAZING” product.

I cannot express how much of a blessing this is to me.

I have saved my hands by using this treatment at home, when all the specialists, testing, surgery and expense could not.

I am back working without pain. I am back knitting with my friends and doing my gardening. I am sincerely grateful to Carpal Tunnel Solution.

Thank You,”


Merchandise Managers and Retail Merchandisers have a high incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. When you combine hobbies like knitting and gardening, it makes for a perfect storm of Carpal Tunnel pain and hand dysfunction.

Linda found out how Carpal Tunnel Surgery can be a very frustrating difficult path. Most people do not need to expose themselves to the risks and downtime of a Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure.

Neurologists recommend the Carpal Solution Natural Stretching Treatment as the best first line treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It works gently and consistently during sleep to jump start your body’s natural healing process. The Carpal Solution Home Stretching Treatment was developed by Doctors working with patients and so it works for 97% of people.

Most people can avoid the risks, the downtime and painful rehabilitation by using the Carpal Solution Stretching Therapy before they resort to surgery.

Neurologists recommend the Carpal Solution Natural Stretching Treatment as the best first line treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

However, if you attempted Carpal Tunnel Surgery, and the surgery failed for you, like it did for Linda. There is still hope for relief after a failed Surgery.

The Carpal Solution Treatment will even work after a failed Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure for most people.

You need to wait at least 2 – 3 months after a surgical procedure before you use the Carpal Solution Treatment.

There is still hope after a Failed Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

Watch Linda share her experience with a failed Surgery. She tells how she finally got relief from the Home Stretching Treatment Known as the Carpal Solution in the video below:

Order The Carpal Solution Home Treatment Kit Today

Want to know more? Read additional articles written by Doctors on hand pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

CTS Symptoms

Read detailed articles on a variety of carpal tunnel symptoms.

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Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Read these articles before you consider carpal tunnel surgery

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CTS Treatment

Read these articles on your Carpal Tunnel treatment options

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