My Carpal Tunnel Experience – Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works
My Carpal Tunnel Experience – Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works
I started my treatment three days ago and could not wait any longer to write about my experience. I thought I would write at the end of the 6 week treatment period but I have been so surprised and thrilled at my results, I am happy to report much sooner my results are impressive.
I wore a hard brace on and off for years and took pain killers. I got to the point recently where there was no longer any relief and numerous sleepless nights. On my first night using the soft band, I felt something amazing — an absence of pain! I am now returning to normal actions such as twisting off a top without feeling sheer pain and using the keyboard on my computer. My wrist is feeling stonger and I am optimistic this healing process will continue through my use of the band at night. I will plan to write again in six weeks!
A very happy, new user of the Carpal Tunnel Solution,
Anne Santori – North Wales, PA.
I ordered and received your Carpal Solution a week ago today. The very first night I used it, I noticed a difference. I’ve been waiting to write because I thought maybe I was imagining the improvement, but I wasn’t. It just gets better every night and day. Today, for the first time in years, I shaved my legs, showered, washed and dried and styled my hair and put on makeup, all before 8am and with virtually NO PAIN!! I work on a computer much of the day, and I am an avid knitter after work – on Saturday, I knitted for five hours with only short rest/stretch breaks, and wore the Carpal Solution that night, expecting I’d be in pain, but WASN’T.
Over the last few years, my normally routine was wearing wrist braces at night (have done that off and on for 12-15 years), awake during the night with pain, and have quite a bit of pain early in the morning. and my hand pain lessens usually by about mid day. Throughout the rest of the day, my pain was intermittent, but never completely gone. Over the years I have had a couple of the needle tests and have been diagnosed by at least a couple of neurologists with “moderate” carpal tunnel, both hands, but more severe in the right (I am right handed). Of course, they always want to do surgery, which I have wanted to avoid. So I am so glad I found your website. I really look forward to the “maintenance” phase and to see just how well this works long term. But needless to say, right now I couldn’t be happier!
Thank you, Dr. Morgan!
Karen – Centennial, Colorado, USA
Dear Dr. Morgan –
“I am sure you have heard many wonderful personal stories – The Carpal Solution works! However, you do not touch just one person but the radiating outward impact goes on and on. Your product changed my life and my life reaches many others.”
“I am a Special Education Case Manager in a high school – I have my own teens at home (having had children late in life). At 58, I’ve already had one hand surgery and I was – repeat was – scheduled for my next. But the surgical solutions did not work completely – I type all day – reports on kids, seeking help for kids, designing programs for kids at risk. And now, I can continue to work – better longer and free of pain.”
“Was I a skeptic? The biggest!. Am I convinced? More than words convey. The Carpal Solution gave me back my ability to serve. That is where I derive the most joy in life. I have always believed the simplest solution is the best and your design proves that true. Thank you, on my own behalf as I garden, crochet, sleep soundly………Thank you on behalf of all those I can continue to help, touching them is easier now. Oh yes, Active Hands for Life – I am a believer and a customer for life!”
Barbara, Special Education Case Manager, Twin Cities, MN.
Dear Dr. Morgan,
I’m 72 years old and have had CTS for several years in my right hand. Although I have been doing a series of hand and arm exercises, relief was only temporary. At night, I had been wearing a hand/wrist brace, but relief was minimal and the pain gradually worsened to where I had difficulty sleeping in any position.
I did not want invasive surgery in an attempt to eliminate or relieve the CTS, so I researched the Internet to try to find a device that would provide non-surgical relief for CTS. I found the Carpal Solution advertised and read all the details and testimonials provided. I decided to try this product and bought a 6-week supply.
As soon as I started using the Carpal Solution I felt relief and was able to get decent nights sleep. Admittedly, some nights there was some discomfort, but by positioning my arm a certain way on the bed I felt immediate relief. In fact, most nights during the first 2 weeks of using the Carpal Solution I slept without interruption.
I am now in my third week using the Carpal Solution and I am pleased with the nightly relief I get using it. Carpal Solution has relieved my nightly forearm pain and has increased blood circulation in my fingers to eliminate the tingling created by CTS. It is so great to have a reliable therapy that I can depend on to control my symptoms.
The Carpal Solution is AMAZING!
Ryan – North Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Fantastic product! I now have feeling in my thumb and forefinger (which I referred to as my dead fingers for years). I had been told by several doctors over the years that my only recourse was to have an operation which I would not give in to. No doubt, I made the correct decision over the years. I am telling everyone I know and come in contact with about the Carpal Solution.
– Billy, 3M Factory Worker.
Fourteen nights in a row with sound sleep. It required a little more time with my left hand, but over a three week period both hands were feeling better. I am so pleased with this product.
– Jann, Sales Professional.
I wore the Carpal Solution for fourteen nights. My left hand is now fine, it is remarkable, but my right hand may still require surgery, I will keep doing the six week protocol and then make a decision…
– Linda, Cashier.
Neurologists are experts on the central nervous system. These nerve experts say that the Carpal Solution is the best first line of defense for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but most patients call it a Carpal Tunnel Cure. The Carpal Solution works for 97% of people with Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. It will likely work for you too. It is the only treatment for Carpal Tunnel that comes with a Money Back Guarantee and it is reimbursed by health insurance. Not only are there no risks of complications with the Carpal Solution Therapy, but also First Hand Medical has eliminated any financial risk of trying the Carpal Solution.