Guitar and Electronic Keyboard Musician in Texas Finds Carpal Tunnel Relief

Guitar and Electronic Keyboard Musician in Texas Finds Carpal Tunnel Relief

Guitar musicians of all types, from bass players to classical guitarists and from acoustic guitar musicians to electric guitar players – find that they get quick, consistent and natural relief from Carpal Tunnel with the Carpal Solution without the risk and downtime of surgery. Recently, one surgeon honestly admitted to a musician that it would likely take a year or so to determine if the guitarist could play again with the same skill after having Carpal Tunnel Surgery.
Most musicians and other artists will just not risk losing the sensitive feeling and control of their hands and fingers with invasive expensive surgery that has a questionable record regarding full recovery. The joy musicians get from their craft is just not worth risking when there are proven natural therapies that work like the Carpal Solution.
Scott Nelson plays the electric bass guitar, acoustic guitar and keyboards.
“I began playing music at twelve years old. I’ve had the good fortune to tour with recording artists on Atlantic and Columbia opening concerts for folks like ZZ Top and Willie Nelson.
For over five years I worked as a session musician for Norman Petty (Buddy Holly’s producer). You can see me playing bass with the finest musicians Los Angeles has to offer on two PBS Specials for L.A. pianist/composer Jim Wilson in 2001 and 2006. I have also written and produced commercial music for many different advertisers.”
”After over forty years of playing guitar, electric bass & piano, I began to experience pain and numbness in both hands. Following a performance I would experience severe pain and numbness. It was disabling. My next move was to visit my doctor to find out what was happening. Yep, carpal tunnel.”
”So, not being too objective about surgery since it could spell the end of my music career, I set out to find some kind of alternative. My search took me to where I found true relief. I began with the six-week therapy pack, following directions exactly. To my great delight, the pain and numbness began to fade away until I returned to 100 percent proficiency. I can set up equipment, play a four hour gig, pack the gear back up and go home and sleep like a baby, pain-free. Waking the next morning is a real treat since there is no pain from having worked my arms and hands the night before. I still use the Carpal Solution when I have a performance coming up or begin to feel symptoms.”
”I consider myself to be an ambassador for The Carpal Solution, singing its praises to anyone who is experiencing the frustration of carpal tunnel pain.”
Scott Nelson,
Guitar and Keyboard Instrumentalist and Recording Engineer, Texas.
Known from coast to coast among top musicians and producers, Scott Nelson is considered to be not only a multi-instrumentalist, (electric, bass and acoustic guitar and keyboards), Scott is also a veteran musician of live stage performance and is comfortable in studio recording. He is a certified recording engineer and creatively works with both Pro Tools and Apple’s Final Cut Pro HD video editing software.
As a solo performer Scott sings and plays acoustic guitar. You’ll hear his own original songs as well as classics from James Taylor to Cole Porter, The Beatles to Sinatra. Using colorful chord inversions and soulful vocals, Scott brings these “old friends” to the party in a new dress.
You can visit Scott’s site at:

Guitar musicians of all types, from bass guitar players to classical guitarists and from acoustic guitar musicians to electric guitar players and from country western guitar pickers to Rock and Roll Jammers – they find that they get quick and consistent relief with the Carpal Solution without the risk and downtime of surgery.
One recent surgeon honestly admitted that it would likely take a year or so to determine if the guitarist could play again like he used to do after surgery. Most musicians and other artists will just not risk losing the sensitive feeling and control of their hands and fingers with invasive, expensive and high risk surgery. There is no need to take the risks or put up with the downtime of Carpal Tunnel Surgery.

One Guitar Player said- “No one is cutting on my hands!” and that pretty much sums up how all musicians feel about surgery on their hands. The Carpal Solution offers a better way for guitarist to stop the hand pain and regain the sensitivity of their fingers and put the numbness under control. The Carpal Solution is a natural home remedy for Carpal Tunnel that works. It is also, patented medical technology, registered by the FDA, clinically documented by a Doctor working with patients and back-up by a money back guarantee. How many homeopathic remedies can claim those credentials. The Carpal Solution has been used by over 81,000 people and continues to get a 97% success rate.
Let’s see: no downtime, no risks of complications, no steroid injections, minimal cost compared to other treatment options. Why wouldn’t you use the Carpal Solution and get started today.
Whatever you do for your profession or passion, there is no reason to let Carpal Tunnel slow you down.
Learn from Scott and hundreds of others who tell their Carpal Tunnel Experience on Facebook, YouTube and on this website. There is no reason to take the risks and experience the downtime associated with Carpal Tunnel Surgery, when there is a Doctor developed treatment, that is clinically documented with a money back guarantee, like the Carpal Solution Treatment.
Top Ten Reason Why You Should Try The Carpal Solution
- Safe Natural Relief of Worst Carpal Tunnel Symptoms quickly – within the first week or two and remission of the syndrome within Six Weeks of Carpal Tunnel Therapy.
- Awake refreshed in the morning with a sound night’s sleep and hands that feel ready to play your instrument.
- Worn during sleep, The Carpal Solution fits smoothly into your musical life style with no downtime or limitations or annoyances associated with rigid wrist braces or restrictive splints.
- No more missed days practicing – It helps restore self-esteem as a contributor to your band or orchestra.
- The Carpal Solution is comfortable to wear, made of breathable hypoallergenic materials, there are no sweaty wrist braces, and no rigid parts to interfere with sleep or restrict hand use and no embarrassing cumbersome wrist splints.
- If symptoms return, therapy can easily be repeated for a life time of symptom control without the risks of surgery, no steroid injections, no complications of oral anti-inflammatory meds. Most patients ask: “Who wants to go through the trauma, downtime and expense of surgery only to find out that their syndrome’s symptoms have returned?”
- The Carpal Solution is disposable with no cleaning of soiled sweaty braces required – It is convenient and it is easy to remember to apply just before retiring to bed.
- The Carpal Solution is flexible and thin. It travels and stores well in a small space and so it is easy to follow the full Six Week Protocol no matter where you might be in the world.
- No rigid restrictive wrist splints to wear during the day, so no complications with muscle atrophy and no tissue irritation resulting from compressing injured tissue against hard metal or fiberglass.
- It is cost effective, convenient therapy that can be done in the privacy of one’s home and the symptoms usually stay in remission for 1 to 7 years depending on the underlying causes of your syndrome. When syndrome flares up again, you can quickly get them under control with just a few nights of Carpal Solution Therapy. All of the health benefits are backed up by a clinical study. The Carpal Solution is the best non-surgical treatment for musicians with Carpal Tunnel. Hands Down!
The Carpal Solution has been used by over 81,000 people in over 30 countries and continues to get a 97% success rate among patients.