Unanswered Questions for the Doctor about Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel?
Unanswered Questions for the Doctor about Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel?
Most people have a lot of questions for their Doctor, but get only a minute or two to ask questions during a visit to their Doctor.
On this website, mycarpaltunnel.com , you will find over 300 articles written by Doctors who are experts on the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
They have seen almost every possible situation and can answer almost any question you might have about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and its treatment.
You can browse the articles of the most comprehensive Directory of Doctors Articles on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on the web at:
Carpal Tunnel A-Z
or use the search magnifying glass symbol search mycarpaltunnel.com for answers about your hand health questions on the right hand side of the navigation bar at the top or the bottom of any page of the Doctor Written Articles on this website to quickly find articles on your specific questions.
Learn anything you want to know about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from expert Doctors.
Make your Health decisions with the best information available and your eyes wide open to the risks, potential complications and downtime.
The late Dr. Jerome Grossman, MD was a co-founder of First Hand Medical and helped orchestrate the launch of the Carpal Solution Treatment with several other medical experts as a better way to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome reducing the load on Healthcare delivery systems around the world with a non-invasive treatment that works for 97% of people with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms. As the Director of Healthcare Delivery at Harvard’s Kennedy School, Dr. Grossman set the standard for the quality of medical advice given on this website that continues to this day as the Doctors today are held to the same standards of excellence in delivering premium medical products and advice on how to avoid the downtime, risks and complications of a Carpal Tunnel Surgical Procedure.
Dr. Grossman ran Tufts’ New England Medical Center for over 15 years and understands better than most the issues associated with Carpal Tunnel Surgery. These include long rehabilitation periods with only marginal success of the procedure. Based on patient surveys, Surgery has a success rate of less than 60% and CTS comes back within 6 months to 8 years for over 85% of people.
As a board Member on a large Health Insurance Provider, Dr. Grossman and the rest of the medical doctors and staff at First Hand Medical are committed to improve on the results of surgical outcomes, while reducing the costs to Health Insurers. He and the team are also committed to lessening the burden on the healthcare delivery system.
These dedicated men and women are particularly concerned with minimizing the frustration of patients with repeat surgeries and long rehabilitation periods for a surgical procedure that has such a low success rate. The collective feelings of the group is that there has to be a better treatment method for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with a higher success rate and less pain, complications and risks. Sometimes surgery even makes CTS worse post-surgery.
The Carpal Solution Treatment was presented to the group by leading chiropractor who had been working with patients for years. The group of expert Doctors really liked the natural approach to treating Carpal Tunnel and decided to put their resources behind The Carpal Solution Treatment as a potentially best in class method of treating Carpal Tunnel without the downtime, risks, and repeat surgical procedures – Not to mention the cost to Health Insurers, the burden on the delivery system and the downtime and out-of-pocket cost to the patient.
The Carpal Solution Treatment addressed all of those issues at a significantly lower cost to all concerned and with a lot less risks. That decision was taken over a decade ago and the results have been remarkable.
Over 81,000 patients have been healed from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and have avoided the costs, downtime and personal risks of Carpal Tunnel Surgery. The estimated savings to Insurers and the Healthcare delivery system is approaching a Billion dollars due to treatment with the Carpal Solution.
The Savings for Individuals in earnings and out-of-pocket expenses and Employers in productivity, is estimated at just over 2 billion dollars.
The Health System needs more treatment options like the Carpal Solution as to Patients. The Carpal Solution is a win/ win / win treatment option for the Patient / The Healthcare System / Employers.