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First Hand Medical Commercial Policies

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, ensuring a secure, smooth, and reliable shopping experience is more important than ever. Shop with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect when you choose us for your e-commerce needs.

Secured Ordering Online
Secured Ordering Online

First Hand Medical Commercial Policies

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, ensuring a secure, smooth, and reliable shopping experience is more important than ever. Shop with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect when you choose us for your e-commerce needs.

Secured Ordering Online
Secured Ordering Online

Secured Ordering Online

The Carpal Solution online shopping cart uses the latest 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption through a secure, approved payment gateway to ORDER ON LINE.

If you prefer to use the mail or fax for your order you may do so by our PRINT and FAX ORDER FORM.

Online ordering is the most secure way to order since no person, other than you, ever sees your personal credit card information. Nor is your personal credit card information stored in any location. The transactions for purchasing the Carpal Solution all take place in secured electronic transfers between the computers of large credit card processors and banks who are all regulated for appropriate security measures. The lock symbol on your internet browser (like Internet Explorer or Firefox or Safari), indicates that you are on a secure connection. You will not see the secure symbol until it is time to put in your personal financial information. The secure line makes internet surfing slightly slower so we do not incorporate that level of security until the final check out stage of placing your order where you put in your personal and credit card information.

First Hand Medical employees a state-of-the-art electronic shopping cart and secured servers to assure there are no breaches in security while you are purchasing the Carpal Solution.

Additional Security Codes Are Used For Secure Internet Ordering

What is the graphic code used for on the final step of Check-Out page?

What is a C V V code on my Credit Card and Why do I need one to place my Carpal Solution Order?

Carpal Solution Shipping Policies

Customers report our fulfillment service as reliable and convenient. People find that ordering online saves the extra trip to a pharmacy, chemist shop or retail store. Our efficient cost effective fulfillment services utilize state-of-the-art information technology to manage the process and track orders. Ordering online saves our customers time, saves them travel expenses, and reduces risk associated with an extra trip to the pharmacy.

We ship The Carpal Solution to Carpal Tunnel Sufferers through-out the world. We are specifically set up to ship to the USA, Canada, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Europe, Latin America, New Zealand, South Africa, The Pacific Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India, and any other international locations served by USPS Global Priority Service. We also ship to other locations that can be readily accommodated by special request. Shipping and Handling costs are added to the product cost.

Shipping options for the US and Canada include:

1) USPS FIRST CLASS OR PARCEL POST (estimated by USPS to deliver within 5 to 10 days) No time guarantees provided with this service.

2) USPS PRIORITY SERVICE (estimated by USPS to deliver within the US within 2 to 3 days) No time guarantees provided here, but we ship same day if ordered before
2 PM or within 24 hours of placing your order if ordered after 2 PM. – This is our most popular shipping option.

3) UPS TWO DAY AIR . This Option allows tracking of the order and guarantees delivery by 7 PM within two business days, unless inhibited by adverse weather or other events beyond the control of UPS

4) UPS NEXT DAY AIR. This Option allows tracking of the order and guarantees delivery by 7 PM of the following business day unless inhibited by adverse weather or other events beyond the control of UPS

You will receive shipment confirmation and tracking information via email, as well as health insurance reimbursement codes and receipts, so it is important you put in the right email address in the ordering process.

The Security Paddle Lock Symbol only appears in the web browser as demonstrated in the above graphic when you are on the page where you put in your personal and financial information. The high level of encryption protection slows down the shopping cart and web browser so you will only see it when your are asked to put in your personal information just before final check out in the purchasing process. Since the product you select is not confidential until it is connected to your personal information, there is no need to slow down your web browsers with encryption technology until the final check out step in the online purchasing process.

For International shipments we ship through the United States Postal Service (USPS) Global Priority Service.For a flat fee of $14.95 we ship the Carpal Solution to the over 70 countries in this network. USPS Global Priority Services estimates that the package will take 7 days to arrive to any country plus whatever time the local postal delivery service needs to make the delivery. International Customers of the Carpal Solution have found our International service to be reliable and convenient. We ship this remarkable Carpal Tunnel Treatment to international destinations like the United KingdomAustralia and Canada everyday and to other parts of the English speaking world like New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa and to destinations throughout the European Union (Europe) every two or three days. Ordering online saves the extra trip to a pharmacy, chemist shop or retail store. If your local postal or mail delivery system is reliable, the Carpal Solution always arrives in a timely manner allowing you to get control of the frustrating symptoms of Carpal Tunnel quickly and reliably and get back to your active life-style.

During the December holiday season the shipment times for US Postal Service (USPS) are often extended to twice or three times the estimated delivery schedules above. UPS guarantees delivery on their rapid delivery services despite the busy holiday season as long as there is no adverse weather or other complicating events beyond the control of the delivery service operator such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.

Holidays and Weekend Shipping and Delivery – Please check with UPS and USPS or your local postal delivery service (on international shipments) for details about shipping and delivery services regarding specific holidays as these schedules regularly change and are different for every carrier and country to which we ship. Hence, we do not publish this information here. We do not ship as a rule on weekends or holidays when the US Postal Service or UPS are not offering their normal service. If you call before 10:00 AM central time in the US to place your Priority Service order on Saturday, we do sometimes ship on Saturday to accommodate people with special circumstances whenever possible.

Saturday Delivery – US Postal Service does deliver Priority Mail and First Class Mail on Saturday in most locations of the USA. This is one of the reasons people prefer our Priority Service, because there is no extra charge in the USA for Saturday Delivery. If you have questions about Saturday Delivery please check with your local delivery service. If shipping by UPS Next Day service or UPS Two Day Air service there is an added surcharge of $15 per package for Saturday Delivery. If you would like the UPS Saturday Delivery Service, you must call in or fax in your order with a special request to receive UPS Saturday Delivery Service. Some locations do not offer the UPS Saturday Delivery option. Please check with your local UPS carrier to learn if this option is available in your local delivery area.

Priority Shipments – Most people choose our Carpal Solution Priority Service, where we ship same day or within 24 hours and The Carpal Solution arrives within two to three days in the continental US. We have a 99.99% success rate with this service for only $12.95. Orders placed on weekends or holidays may not ship until the next business day. If you would like a Saturday delivery for UPS overnight or two day air shipments, there is an extra charge of $15.00 to cover the surcharges by UPS. Orders place after 3:00 PM requesting UPS Next day or 2nd Day Air Delivery service may ship the following day. Please be aware that neither the United States nor International Postal Services nor UPS make deliveries on Sunday or National Holidays. First Hand Medical recognize that Carpal Tunnel Sufferers are in pain and are often suffering from Carpal Tunnel Symptoms and hence bring a sense of urgency to handling all orders for the Carpal Solution to assure that you get Carpal Tunnel Relief as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy
Customer Information and preferences are kept strictly confidential and are not given out, nor are they sold to any other individuals, groups or companies. First Hand Medical complies with HIPPA and FDA requirements for management of Medical Product confidential information. Our shipping partners are also bound by the same confidentiality requirements.

Return Policy & Procedure
User friendly diagrams and easy to follow instructions are provided inside every package and on our website for your convenience. Please read the instructions provided and follow the directions during use. If some relief of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not noticed within the first three weeks of using the Carpal Solution Therapy Pac, discontinue use of the Carpal Solution and consult a physician about your specific condition. Eighty Five to Ninety percent of users report significant relief of symptoms within the first week of Carpal Solution Therapy.

Eight to ten percent of people go through a prolonged Soft Tissue Transition Period during the Six Week Protocol where discomfort sometimes increases for three or four days in most cases, but can sometimes last up to three weeks in rare cases (about 1 to 2% of users), before long-term relief is achieved through Carpal Solution Therapy. Because there are so many different contributing causes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome each person responds somewhat differently to the therapy depending on their unique set of contributing factors. Over-the-counter oral pain medication, such as Aleve, Advil or Motrin (NSAIDs), is reported by these users to be particularly helpful in managing the discomfort during the relatively short Soft Tissue Transition Period. These oral pain medications are particularly well suited for short-term discomfort, like a few people sometimes experience with the Soft Tissue Transition Period. It is not usually good practice to use oral pain medication to control chronic pain for a long time, because of the many side effects that can occur as a result of long-term exposure to oral pain meds. Some of these include: gastrointestinal damage, heart and circulatory complications which have been shown to result from long-term exposure to oral pain meds.

If you see any improvement to you hands during the first 4 weeks, it is important to continue using the Carpal Solution, because your hands will continue to improve with continued Carpal Solution Stretching Therapy, until your symptoms completely disappear.

Also, always follow directions on the label of medication or seek your physician’s guidance for higher dosage recommendations if you believe this may be helpful to you. Each person’s personal pain threshold is different. Only the person experiencing discomfort guided by their physician can decide how much discomfort is too much. (See the Carpal Tunnel FAQ section here for more detailed recommendations). Those unique individuals who experience a prolonged soft tissue transition period are so happy when their symptoms disappear.

One such user said, “I got my life back, it was so worth it to get through the soft tissue transition to get relief from this terrible syndrome. Now I know I have a reliable way to control CTS if it ever flares up again. I would recommend the Carpal Solution to anyone with CTS. Carpal Solution Works! ”

Most people with health insurance initiate the reimbursement process following the simple procedure outlined on the following link: Health Insurance Reimbursement for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. With the reimbursement process underway, they do not need to worry about the hassle of returning the product for any reason, since they are already getting reimbursed by their health insurance for the cost of the product. There is no risk to try the Carpal Solution Wrist Support.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you do not have health insurance and if there is no improvement to your hands, the product can be returned for a refund by returning unused product to our location at First Hand Medical, Riverton Fulfillment Center, 12346 South 2240 West, Riverton, UT 84065. postmarked within 30 days of original ship date (Shipping & Handling cost will not be included in any refund). In order to document shipping and receipt dates, you must include with any returned products a copy of the invoice or packing slip you received at the time of delivery of the Carpal Solution Therapy Pac. Also, to comply with FDA regulations a brief legible explanation explaining why the product is being returned for a refund is required. It is important to note whether you have been formally diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel by a physician, hand therapist, chiropractor, neurologist, or hand surgeon or other medical personnel. Also, in the note, it is important to identify other treatment alternatives or therapies that you have tried and the results.

Prorated Return Policy
After 30 days from the original ship date there is a Prorated Return Policy that requires that the product be returned within 45 days of shipment. The prorated refund will be a maximum of 70% of the purchase price and will be calculated based on the value of the orthotic devices returned unused and in good condition (Shipping & Handling cost will not be included in any refund). In order to document shipping and receipt dates, you must include with any returned products a copy of the invoice or packing slip you received at the time of delivery of the Carpal Solution Therapy Pac. Also, to comply with FDA regulations a brief legible explanation explaining why the product is being returned for a refund is required and detailing whether or not you have been formally diagnosed by a physician or physician’s assistant, hand therapist, chiropractor, neurologist, or hand surgeon. It is required for our FDA audits to know whether you have been formally diagnosed with CTS. In the written note, it is important to identify other treatment alternatives or therapies that you have tried and the results.

It is understood that the Money Back Satisfaction Offer is not a guarantee of product performance due to the many other factors that often contribute to symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Examples of other complicating metabolic disorder which could contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms include: Auto Immune Disorders, such as Arthritis, or Diabetes, Gout, Hypothyroidism, Menopause. Also, Wrist Fractures, Hand Fractures, Torn Ligaments, Dislocations, etc. could also contribute to symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Not Intended for Use:
The Carpal Solution is not intended for use in the vicinity of open wounds, if an allergic reaction occurs, in conjunction with any skin disorder, or where bone tissue deformity is present or where there might be a Wrist Fracture, Bone Fracture, Bone Spurs, Torn Ligaments, and or Bone or Joint Dislocations or if surgery has been performed on the hand or wrist or forearm within the last three months. If any skin allergy develops from any cause while using the Carpal Solution, discontinue use and see a physician.

Metabolic Conditions May Contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Many Auto Immune Disorders such as Arthritis, Lupus, Hypothyroidism, etc. or other metabolic conditions such as Diabetes, Gout, Menopause, hormonal imbalances, etc, can contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms. While the Carpal Solution will usually relieve the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, no one should rely on Carpal Solution Therapy alone to treat Auto Immune Disorders like, Arthritis, Diabetes, Gout, Hypothyroidism, Menopause, etc. or any metabolic condition. If you believe you have any of the above conditions, you should work with your doctor to properly diagnosis and treat any of the above metabolic conditions in addition to wearing the Carpal Solution at night to treat your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms only. Carpal Tunnel usually has a component that is induced by repetitive stress hand use patterns, as such invasive procedures that carry risks, complications and downtime like surgery or steroid injections are considered as a last resort. Even after invasive surgery the symptoms often come back due to the repetitive stress – and then what? An all natural treatment like the Carpal Solution allows people to treat their condition whenever they have flare-ups without fear.


FIRST HAND MEDICAL’s liability for ANY Claims OF DAMAGE shall in no event exceed the MONETARY VALUE paid by CUSTOMER For the Product. In no event shall FIRST HAND MEDICAL be liable for any DAMAGES, INCLUDING incidental, special, consequential or other indirect damages, whether based upon the above warranty, contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, even if the other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

CUSTOMER agrees to indemnify and Hold harmless FIRST HAND MEDICAL, and their agents and employees, from and against all loss or expense (including costs and attorney’s fees) by reason of liability imposed by law upon FIRST HAND MEDICAL for damages because of bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, or on account of damage to property, including loss of use thereof. This hold harmless agreement applies whether or not such injury to persons or damage to property is caused by or contributed to by FIRST HAND MEDICAL.

Summary of the Carpal Solution: The Carpal Solution is a clinically documented Carpal Tunnel Treatment with that is patented medical technology. It has been used by over 50,000 people and continues to get a 97% success rate. If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and are suffering, missing work, losing sleep and unable to function normally with your hands, you should get started today with the Carpal Solution. Neurologist call the Carpal Solution Therapy the best first line of defense for CTS. You will likely call the Carpal Solution a Carpal Tunnel Cure, like most other patients. We look forward to answering your questions and serving your order for Carpal Solution Therapy Package. Some people call them Carpal Tunnel Patches, but they are a Carpal Tunnel Stretching Device that works for most people. Get Started today!

Risk Free 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back  Guarantee Money Back
Risk Free 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

The only treatment for carpal tunnel that comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee and in-house dedicated pain relief team.